I allow some front end post submission on my site. For paragraph (rich text) field, I use and display TinyMCE editor. Logo Slider adds a “LS” insert logo button into TinyMCE and I cannot figure out how to prevent this. Site users do not need access to Logo Slider, it is an admin only plugin. Roles are properly setup. For example, a subscriber cannot access Logo Slider (I also disable admin toolbar for all but a few roles), however subscribers can see the LS button on TinyMCE on front end. I cannot find any options to disable through TinyMCE admin options and Logo Slider doesn’t provide a setting to disable this. Prefer a code snippet. Please help me disable this button TinyMCE everywhere, for all roles.
]]>I can’t see the File Away icon in my post/page editor. I have tried manually uploading the plugin, switching rows etc. But so far I have had no luck.
I am sure there is a simple answer, but it’s evading me pretty good…
]]>it is taking quite long for such a detail. I had a tinymce plugin which worked good. Since tinymce4 came, I had to adapted it. The point is that after search and search for long time I didn′t find any post about it.
What I want is that when the user click in the editor in the plugin button, it displays a lightbox with a list of all the post and custom types I have. Also with the search field to find quickly the post by title. Exactly like the add link button does it. After the user selects an entry from the list and agree, it should output the id of the entry to make my own shortcode.
Has anyone done it??
Thanks in advance…
]]>GREAT plugin!
Observations and two questions:
Your plugin allows insertion of 1 or “sets” of widgets via shortcode into pages, posts, (and Custom post types?) and it will also save a list of configured shortcodes~sets. VERY handy!
When comparing its features to the plugin Widgets Shortcode, that plugin does not provide a means to save “sets” of plugins, rather it seems to focus on inserting widgets individually. In fact, it inserts the shortcode for each widget in the bottom edge of each widget and it assigns different shortcodes to each instance of a widget. Also nice.
I like the granularity Widgets Shortcode provides with an individual shortcode for every instance of every widget. When running it and your plugin simultaneously even widgets saved in your plugin’s “sets” are still assigned individual shortcodes. Those individual shortcodes allow using a specific widget out of a “set” in a different location without needing to create an additional instance of the widget as it appears would be required with your plugin.
Incidently, for anyone who wants both of these features, these two plugins play very nicely together on one of our WP 4.0 Multisite installations with 50+ sites and even on a site using the theme Make.
Question 1: Have you considered adding this level of shortcode granularity to your plugin?
FYI: We also tested amr shortcode any widget, but had some issues with it and rather than troubleshoot it we moved on. To be fair, we were testing quickly on a site with over 160 plugins active. Yes, 160 plugins. I know, I know, but think about it for a minute. Any plugin that you can activate into that mix of 160 plugins and it does not break things or introduce issues, then it suggests a good probability of it being troublefree to use…. well at least until the next round of WP updates.
We also tested Widgetize Pages Light and its pro version Sidebar & Widget Manager and had no issues with either. However, if only seeking to insert widgets into pages and posts these plugins seem like overkill as they provide additional page layout functions that may duplicate theme functions and/or other plugin functions.
I was looking for a “widgets in pages” plugin that provides a TinyMCE button to insert the widget shortcodes.
Can anyone recommend one that has a TinyMCE button to insert the widget shortcodes in pages, posts and CPTs?
Ultimately I selected your plugin as having the best combination of features for this application. Its simple to understand, easy to use, versatile and has worked flawlessly for us, even along side Widgets Shortcode.
Question 2: It would be GREAT, GREAT, GREAT, if your plugin provided a TinyMCE button that presented the user with a drop down list of available shortcodes for insertion. That would make it so much faster and more convenient to use.
Please consider adding a TinyMCE button for inserting shortcodes.
Thanks for considering this request.
Phil D
]]>Anyway to get around this?
]]>I had a really good YouTube plugin which had a ‘V’ button on my toolbar. I clicked and it allowed me to select the video type from a drop down (YouTube, Vimeo etc) and change dimensions.
The code which appeared on the page looks like this
[vsw id=”KaB7kmD07xE” source=”youtube” width=”640″ height=”360″ autoplay=”no”]
In a burst of housekeeping I deleted some You Tube plugins I’d reviewed for adding playlists to pages but this one went too!
If I admit I’m an idiot, any suggestions?
]]>Please help me to resolve this problem.
Thanks & Regards
]]>I’m now at wp-admin\includes\post.php on line 1240. What to do from here?
(I’m working with WordPress 2.7.1)