Few days ago my web site’s loading speed dropped significantly, and I can’t find out any specific reason for this. The WordPress web site uses BoldGrid and ColorMag Pro theme. The hosting server works fine, the deactivation of plugins did not resolve the issue and the change of the theme did not help as well. I managed to win few seconds of loading time with optimizer plugins like Heartbeat Control and Outoptimize, but it does not seem to target the root of the problem. I also tried changing DNS with Cloudflare but it did not resolve the issue. The analysis indicates that the main delay is at the step of initial server response. It looks like I tried almost everything. Do you have any other ideas what to fix?
Thank you!
]]>Disclaimer: I also use Autoptimize but I double-checked with it enabled and disabled and the problem stayed. I’m writing this since I noticed some discussions about high TTFB where the problem was related to Autoptimize-plugin.
I’m running WordPress 4.9.9 with a custom-made theme and hosting is built on 1and1 IONOS (https://www.ionos.de/).
This is how my WP Super Cache config looks like: https://i.imgur.com/fdxfiKIl.png
The main problem is that the caching seems to work properly on the homepage (https://landhaus-himmelpfort.de/) with TTFB between 100 and 130 ms. On pages other than the homepage (e.g. https://landhaus-himmelpfort.de/zimmer/) although TTFB is very slow with up to 8 seconds. I checked the times with Chrome Developer Tools.
What seems strange to me is that when looking at the source code of the a sub page I see the WP Super Cache watermark. In this cache it is: https://landhaus-himmelpfort.de/zimmer/
]]>I would like to use this plugin on an Apache server. But compared to other caching plugins the Time To First Byte (TTFB) is significantly higher. Causing a short lagg when browsing the website.
Is that normal behavior as it is not on a LSWS?
For comparison reasons I’ve set up 2 exactly the same websites on 2 different domains BUT they are on the same server.
Maybe you can point me in the right direction. Looking forward to your reply.
]]>I am using W3Total Cache on same hosting server, with 2 different sites. On one site is doing perfect while on other TTFB i ~2.50sec after re-activation of plugin.
I was doing some development on second site, and I have deactivated w3 total cache. After I have activate plugin again, not chancged anything in configuration, TTFB was slow, and still it is slow. After it, I’ve did the same thing on third location, and after re-activation I have never ever success to get site doing fast as expected.
I was trying everything. To delte all files of w3 total cache from my server, to delete manually .htaccess code, etc. And start configuration process againn from clean, but result is allways same. Also, I have tried to export configuration from first site which is now doing fast, and import it to second site, but nothing.
What should I do to reduce TTFB after re-activation?
]]>Any ideas why this plug-in is dragging down the site speed?
Here are the details:
+ Request 2: https://www.assistivetechservices.com/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-maker/css/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.css?ver=1.11.14
URL: https://www.assistivetechservices.com/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-maker/css/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.css?ver=1.11.14
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URL: https://www.assistivetechservices.com/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-maker/css/jquery-ui-spinner.css?ver=1.11.14
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Response Headers:
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Date: Sun, 05 Nov 2017 18:40:19 GMT
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Host: www.assistivetechservices.com
Error/Status Code: 200
Priority: VeryHigh
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Initial Connection: 73 ms
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Response Headers:
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Date: Sun, 05 Nov 2017 18:40:19 GMT
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Response Headers:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sun, 05 Nov 2017 18:40:17 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.6
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Consistently has a very long TTFB (between 4 – 12 seconds depending on the site used for analyzing. I know the pages are rather large, but I’m ok with the speed at which the rest of the content loads, I just don’t want the long TTFB time where only a blank screen is shown.
It’s on GoDaddy shared hosting, which I know is bad, but I don’t think that’s the issue because:
– The site also loaded slow while in development on a different Bluehost VPS.
– The GoDaddy hosting account was previously hosting a different WordPress site that had an acceptable TTFB.
I have tried the following with seemingly no reduction on TTFB:
– Disabling all plug-ins (except 2 that the theme depends on)
– Switching to default 2016 theme with no plug-ins running
What else can I try to find the problem?
]]>Now after applying caching with autoptimize plugin the page speed have improved from 14 secs to 3.5 secs according to every web page speed testing site but when I empty site cache and try to open it then it takes more than 14 secs to load the page for the first time. Which means new users will have to wait more than 14 secs to access the page after that caching will take care of it.
Please explain what is happening?
]]>I’ve almost finished with a wordpress blog that I am working on at:
I have a problem that when going into an event, I get the following happening:
1. The page loads incredibly slowly (8-10 seconds) and from looking at webpagetest.com it seems the time to first byte is majority of the time at around 7 seconds.
2. The javascript acts late and you see the slider’s components for a split second before the page fully loads.
3. I tried the twentyeleven theme but since a lot of the functionality is in the theme, twentyeleven just came with a blank page although it worked quickly
-I’ve turned off all plugins except Advanced Custom Fields since the website uses this plugin for repeater fields and such.
-When i turned off WP String translation, the page appeared quickly but the javascript didn’t kick in for the 8-10 seconds
-I’ve taken off the WP-slider but that didnt change anything
-checked for javascript errors
All of these things haven’t made a difference.
Any ideas guys?
Thank you
I have another site with the same host that did not have malware – with the same theme and plugins – it still has a speed of 1.5 secs to load.
My host does not have any ideas. Any thoughts?
Thanks, Bill
]]>A new site that we have been working on has an extremely long first load (time to first byte) of approx 22 seconds.
The site is hosted along with other sites, all which run the same plugins, W3 Total Cache, etc. The other sites are fine.
Just this site which is causing issues.
Any help would be much appreciated.