// javascript code for refreshing the tile
function handleSlicerRefresh(event) {
event.preventDefault(); // Prevent form submission
// Get the selected slicer value
var selectedValue = document.querySelector('input[name="time_intelligence"]:checked').value;
console.log("this is the time intelligence selected", selectedValue);
// Create the variable slicers object based on the selected slicer value
var slicers = [{
selector: {
$schema: "https://powerbi.com/product/schema#visualSelector",
visualName: "8daccedca2c143033cda"}, // taken from slicer visual
state: {
filters: [{
$schema: "https://powerbi.com/product/schema#basic",
target: {
table: "Time Intelligence", //table name in report
column: "name"}, // field/column name
operator: "=",
values: [selectedValue]
console.log("this is the slicer", slicers);
// Get pageURL as the iFrame src="url here" in the elements and layout of developer console. Find container and drill down to find iframe
var pageURL = "https://app.powerbi.com/embed?dashboardId=<enter dashboardID>&tileId=<enter tileID>&groupId=<enter groupID>&language=en&formatLocale=en&uid=gwuw1";
console.log("this is the pageURL", pageURL);
// Create the relatedURL with the filters attached
var relatedURL = pageURL + "?slicers=" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(slicers));
console.log("this is the relatedURL ", relatedURL);
// Get the embedded tile iframe element
var embeddedTile = document.getElementById('tile_shortcode').getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0];
// Update the src attribute of the iframe with the relatedURL
embeddedTile.src = relatedURL;
I have a div id=’tile_shortcode’ in my html where I embed the original shortcode successfully.
I’m not really understanding the concept in the example provided by the plugin documentation for changing the slicer by appending the URL. I’ve been assuming the pageURL is the src for the iFrame. When I use the actual https://website-name.com/embedded-tile/ web page URL, I get the whole entire page embedded inside the iFrame with the headings, text and form selectors.
I feel like I’m almost there. I get successful console logs. I just don’t know how to use the var relatedURL to update the embedded tile. Hopefully someone has updated instruction to assist me. Thank you.
I’m having an issue in which the review stars for each review in the mosaic are cut off. It’s only part of the fifth star and it shows up on desktop and mobile. I saw another user had a similar issue, but the CSS snippet you provided didn’t work for me. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
]]>I am working on a website: mariekevancamp.com which is using the wordpress theme espied. The main page consists of multiple square tiles. To open a project you need to click on the tile. This works on android devices. However on iOS you need to double tap to open the project, which is not what I want. This is not a bug but a kind of implementation that is supposed to happen on iOS when you have a hover effect on a link with visibility or display. Is there any way to fix this with just the wordpress CSS editor? I like the hover effect, but I would like to immediately go to the project’s page after one click. If this is not possible on iOS is there a way to remove the hover effect by adding some code in the CSS editor?
]]>On the link that I provided, there is a section (a little more than halfway down, right below the YouTube video) that says “Crewmember Roster”. This page was created before I started working on this site, so I’m unsure of how it was made. Clicking the “edit” link doesn’t provide me with any clues whatsoever.
Is there a way to figure out what plugin was used to create that grid with all the crew information tiled in the way that it is?
If not, would you recommend some free plugins that would allow me to:
1) create a tiled layout that’s similar to what is displayed (doesn’t need to be exact, but something close).
2) populate each tile with information (picture, name, etc) that is taken from each member’s profile/post/page? If you click on the profile, it directs you to the member’s full profile – I’d like to be able to autopopulate some of that info (not all, but just select bits).
3) be able to click the tile so that it goes to it’s corresponding profile page.
]]>Ideally, a full-page layout with a metro-style gallery supporting text overlays would be best, but not a necessity.
]]>I really like the social media share button on events of the Grid View ([MEC id=”51″]), but I really like the appearance of the Tile View ([MEC id=”58″]).
Could it be considered to add the social media share button on the Tile View?
Thank you for a great plugin!
]]>change that white selected tile in the navbar help in hestia theme in wordpress?
i just want that white background behind the selected page text in the navbar menu to be gone or at least be able to change its color or make it transparent
]]>I’m looking for a way to show product information (just an image with description, nothing more). The prodcutinfo must be presented as a tile. By clicking on the image and/or description the user is taken to an external website. Because I’m building a free service, I prefer to use free plugins (or if there’s no other way, a cheap plugin).
I’ve tried several catalog plugins like Ultimate Product Catalog, SpiderCatalog, even WooCommerce – although this plugins feels way too heavy for what I want. And I tried several Grid and Tile plugins, but those plugins lack the possibility to add a descirption or categories/tags.
I want the products to be categorized OR able to tag them so the plugin must have a filter function on the webpage.
I’m using Hestia (themeIsle) as theme. I don’t think this one has a solution. In the meantime I become a bit desperate, so any help would be appreciated.
Anyone an idea?
Much appreciated!!
Kind regards,