The site was recently migrated and the back end showed just the green JPG icon for images that seemed to have no migrated successfully with SiteGround’s Migration Tool. Since then I have re-uploaded all the images from a backup I made before moving the site and the Album tab on the plugin GUI now shows the images rather than the green icon…however none of the thumbnails are displaying in the front end although if you hover over the space where the thumbnails should appear the mouse changes and you can click to open the image…when the missing thumbnail spaces are clicked the full size image displays.
Any help greatly appreciated.
]]>i installed your plugin and connected it right to google cloud, but featured images don’t show on new posts when plugin is activated. i’m aware that this is an issue with my site because i had the same problem with other storage plugins. Any idea how i can resolve this issue which has plagued my wordpress experience.
kind regards
]]>Also it doesn’t exclude the sticky posts though it’s checked but I think that specific problem comes from my theme
]]>I installed the plugin, seems to work fine, but after a few minutes all thumbnails were gone.
I have uninstalled the plugin, but that did not solve the issue.
All help is appreciated.
]]>My only real issue now is thumbnails for images in my media gallery aren’t displaying?
If I click on the thumbnail and go into the image the it’s displayed but it won’t display in media gallery – when I got to Smush.It I just keep getting an error and I’m not sure what to do so any help would be appreciated?
All the errors seem to be with image size 340×340, for example – ‘Could not find /home2/gagabibs/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/colour_cat-340×340.jpg’
I have hundreds of these.
Thanks in advance for any help, I’ll keep looking for answers
I installed “Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnails” and configured the Widget to show Featured image. If Featured image isn’t available, i set it to show the first image in the post. However, no thumbnails are displayed.
I have Jetpack’s Photon enabled .. may be it’s causing the problem?
Here is a URL if someone wants to go through the html source.
]]>I have used the code to remove the content on teasers. The first option:
Removed ALL the content. From the featured posts too (so not only the teasers) and it removed images in the feat. posts and the thumbnails on the teasers.
The second option:
Removes the text on the teaser when length set to 0. However no matter how I change the length for “else” it always remains 55 and I want the length to be not changed.
And in both cases (featured post and teaser) the image is not showing.
What am I missing here?
I am using the latest versions of WP and Genesis and the Lifestyle-Pro theme.
Work in progress: