Warning: Illegal string offset ‘type’ in /home/property/public_html/wp-content/themes/thesis_18/lib/admin/options_post.php on line 151
Line 151 is this:
// If we reach this point in the code, that means we're authenticated. Proceed with saving the new data
foreach ($post_options->meta_boxes as $meta_box) {
foreach ($meta_box['fields'] as $meta_field) {
$current_data = get_post_meta($post_id, $meta_field['name'], true);
$new_data = $_POST[$meta_field['name']];
<strong>if (($meta_field['type']['type'] == 'checkbox') && is_array($meta_field['type']['options'])) {</strong><em>
foreach ($meta_field['type']['options'] as $option_name => $option) {
if ((bool) $new_data[$option_name] != (bool) $option['default'])
$new_data[$option_name] = (bool) $new_data[$option_name];
elseif ((bool) $new_data[$option_name] == (bool) $option['default'])
if ($new_data)
update_post_meta($post_id, $meta_field['name'], $new_data);
delete_post_meta($post_id, $meta_field['name']);
else {
if ($current_data) {
if ($new_data == '')
delete_post_meta($post_id, $meta_field['name']);
elseif ($new_data == $meta_field['default'])
delete_post_meta($post_id, $meta_field['name']);
elseif ($new_data != $current_data)
update_post_meta($post_id, $meta_field['name'], $new_data);
elseif ($new_data != '')
add_post_meta($post_id, $meta_field['name'], $new_data, true);
Does anyone know of a modification to this code to stop the warnings?
]]>I want to assign a Category to a post and have that post appear ONLY on a designated page. With these posts, I DO NOT want them to appear on the blog Home Page. I want to retain the ability to put static content on the same pages with these category posts.
There are posts that will remain “Uncategorized” and these are the ones that will appear on the “Home” blog page.
I have tried several things with code and have had no success. I have searched but no found any answer. Some things are close but just don’t do what I want.
Help please?
]]>In the header display options I unchecked “show site name in header” and suddenly NO header image displays. I read a post indicating that “show site name in header” should be checked so I checked it again but still no header image displays. Although I’ve developed a number of websites I’m new to WordPress. I don’t know what to do next. Not sure if I’m using WP version 3.2 or an earlier version. The website is https://www.thesmithconnection.com
]]>I am “rocking” thesis 1.8 and am trying to get thesis to render each page a little differently by using a custom template inserting functions etc based on this tute however I do not seem to be having much luck. What am I doing wrong?
function home_pagecustom() {
/* check to see if homepage. has to happen inside the function */
if (is_home() || is_front_page()) {
<h1>I iz in ur hompage homing ur pagez</h1>
<?php } }
/* Now we tell Thesis to use the home page custom template */
remove_action('thesis_hook_custom_template', 'thesis_custom_template_sample');
add_action('thesis_hook_custom_template', 'home_pagecustom');
Thanks in advance
]]>This site used to be on cahlsjukejoint.blogspot.com until recently when I moved it to WordPress.
I am having a problem with the “Previous Entries” not working on the Archive pages. If you click one of the months from the Archive drop-down in the sidebar and then try to click “Previous Entries” at the bottom of the page, you get a 404 error.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
]]>I’m using Thesis 1.8 with Network News skin.
I want a specific photo to appear as a thumbnail next to the excerpt.
But the thumbnails keep using the first photo in the article.
Under the “thumbnail” section when I’m in the edit section of the article I place the correct link to the photo I want. And that photo is in my media files. But wordpress is still using the first photo in the article.
How do I change it to recognize the link to the saved in wordpress photo I want it to use?
]]>I’m using Thesis 1.8 with the Network News skin.
How do I remove that square image at the top of the right sidebar?
]]><link rel=”apple-touch-icon” type=”image/x-icon” href=”/images/dm-iphone-itouch.png” >
Anyone know where I can put this and have the same result?