Does anyone know of a method to display an alternative Header Logo on one page?
I’m not talking about a different header (I’ve found a few plug-ins and methods to do that) but a way to substitute the image that is set via Customize –> Design Options –> Custom Header –> Header Logo .
To be able to do this with CSS would be ideal, but PHP would also be great!
Any help would be much appreciated.
]]>I would like to hide the featured image within the post itself, but while still having a featured image for each post on Blog page, Category pages etc.
Could you advise me how to achieve this please?
]]>I am using the mqTranslate plugin to translate my website. I was able to insert the plugin at the top right hand of the page, but when I scroll down, it stays fixed there. Even if I played with the CSS to move it where I want, it seems to be linked to the browser window, and not the site content. You can visite the site to see what I mean:
I am using the Interface Pro theme by ThemeHorse. I wrote on their support forum as well. To get what you see now, this is what I placed in my functions.php:
add_action('get_header', 'add_my_language_chooser');
function add_my_language_chooser() {
if (function_exists('qtrans_generateLanguageSelectCode')) qtrans_generateLanguageSelectCode('text');
This is my CSS:
ul.qtrans_language_chooser {
background-color: #7cbc2d;
box-shadow: 2px 5px 7px rgba(0,0,0,.21);
border-radius: 6px;
border: 1px rgba(255,255,255,.5)solid;
position: fixed;
top: 35px;
right: 0px;
padding: 7px 11px 7px 11px;
-webkit-transition: background-color linear 200ms;
transition: background-color linear 200ms;
z-index: 201;
ul.qtrans_language_chooser:hover {
background-color: rgba(153,204,255,.65);
box-shadow: 3px 8px 10px rgba(0,0,0,.15);
ul.qtrans_language_chooser {
display: none;
ul.qtrans_language_chooser li a {
height: 40px;
width: 40px;
color: white;
font-size: 17px;
I think that the problem is with my theme, the header.php goes and fetches a header-extensions.php file elsewhere. Since I would like my button to be in the Purple area, I think it should be in the area called <;div class=”hgroup-wrap”;>, which is only found in the header-extensions.php Is there a way to make this modification in a Child theme? Thank you very much for your help.
]]>I found that in the file SITE\wp-content\themes\interface\inc\structure\searchform-extensions.php the submit input has the text hardcoded:
<label class="assistive-text">
<?php _e( 'Search', 'interface' ); ?>
<input type="search" placeholder="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Search', 'interface' ); ?>" class="s field" name="s">
<input type="submit" value="Search" class="search-submit">
Likewise in the file SITE\wp-content\themes\interface\inc\structure\header-extensions.php the text for the link’s titles are hardcoded:
$interface_footer_infoblog .= '<li class=' .'"phone-number"'. '><a title='. '"Call us"'.' '. 'href=' .'"tel:' ;
$interface_footer_infoblog .= preg_replace("/[^0-9+-]/", '', $options[ 'social_phone' ]) ;
$interface_footer_infoblog .= '">';
$interface_footer_infoblog .= preg_replace("/[^0-9+-]/", '', $options[ 'social_phone' ]) ;
$interface_footer_infoblog .= '</a></li>';
} if (!empty($options['social_email'] )){
$interface_footer_infoblog .='<li class=' .'"email"'. '><a title=' .'"Mail us"'. ' ' . 'href=' .'"mailto:';
$interface_footer_infoblog .= is_email($options[ 'social_email'] );
$interface_footer_infoblog .='">';
$interface_footer_infoblog .= is_email($options[ 'social_email'] );
$interface_footer_infoblog .='</a></li>';
I tried creating a child theme to override these two php files but they weren’t loaded.
Could this be fixed in an update,please?
]]>I love this theme but am just having a little trouble editing the footer info. I’ve created a child theme and used this text from an old forum to edit the footer:
// Remove old copyright text
add_action( 'init' , 'mh_remove_copy' );
function mh_remove_copy() {
remove_action( 'attitude_footer' , 'attitude_footer_info ', 25 );
// Add my own copyright text
add_action( 'attitude_footer' , 'mh_footer_info' , 25 );
function mh_footer_info() {
$output = '<div class="copyright">'.'Copyright ? [the-year] [site-link] Powered by: SUPER MARTIANS FROM MARS! '.'</div><!-- .copyright -->';
echo do_shortcode( $output );
But all this does is delete the footer completely from my site. Does anyone have any advice for me? Site link is:
]]>I love this theme but am just having a little trouble editing the footer info. I’ve created a child theme and used this text from an old forum to edit the footer:
// Remove old copyright text
add_action( ‘init’ , ‘mh_remove_copy’ );
function mh_remove_copy() {
remove_action( ‘attitude_footer’ , ‘attitude_footer_info ‘, 25 );
// Add my own copyright text
add_action( ‘attitude_footer’ , ‘mh_footer_info’ , 25 );
function mh_footer_info() {
$output = ‘<div class=”copyright”>’.’Copyright ? [the-year] [site-link] Powered by: SUPER MARTIANS FROM MARS! ‘.'</div><!– .copyright –>’;
echo do_shortcode( $output );
But all this does is delete the footer completely from my site. Does anyone have any advice for me? Site link is: