I have installed your theme.
I would like to have a ‘Welcome UserName’ on the Top menu, after user logs in.
I have been able to get the UserName from ‘wp_get_current_user’
But I am not able to display it on TOP menu.
How do I do that?
]]>The output is something like this:
I can′t find where this “secondary” comes from, as I did not ask WordPress to give me that information
In my theme′s functions.php I register my menus like this:
register_nav_menus( array(
'primary' => 'Primary Menu',
'secondary' => 'Secondary Menu',
) );
And in my footer I call the menu:
<?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'secondary', 'menu_id' => 'secondary-menu' ) ); ?>
It′s just a weird bug somewhere, especially because it doesn′t appear on my primary menu, only on this secondary menu in my footer. – I appreciate every hint or tip on how to fix this.
I′d love to post a url but the site is still in a closed dev-environment.. But if You need any more code I′m happy to post more.
Thanks in advance for tips, hints and suggestions!
]]>I have a menu that changes depending on the item for example.
the background color and the menu items change depending on if you are on about the company, productions, and so forth.
the menus are already registered in functions.php and they work.
the thing is I would like to create 1 template instead of many and change this:
<?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'container_class' => 'sub_menu', 'theme_location' => 'about' , 'container' => '' ) ); ?>
to this
<?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'container_class' => 'sub_menu', 'theme_location' => '$variable' , 'container' => '' ) ); ?>
now I got the variable to work using the ‘advanced custom field’ plugin; however, the wp_nav_menu() does not recognize the variable.
Do I have to do something with a walker (thing)?
Oh by the way this is a brand new theme I am creating so I am not borrowing or using any theme other than my own.
]]>I am trying to use 2 menus in one page(all pages), header and footer menu.
The problem is that my wordpress is broken or maybe I am. It does not work whatever I do, I have tried everything.
This is the last I tried:
add_action( 'init', 'my_custom_menus' );
function my_custom_menus() {
'primary-menu' => __( 'Primary Menu' ),
'secondary-menu' => __( 'Secondary Menu' )
before that I used:
//register_nav_menu('huvudmeny', 'Headermeny');
//register_nav_menu('footermeny', 'Footermeny');
It get registered (both codes), I can see it in admin, appearance -> menus.
The problem is: I cannot show it on the page.
I use this in the Header:
<?php wp_nav_menu (array('theme_location' => 'primary-menu','menu_class' => 'nav'));?>
And this in the footer:
<?php wp_nav_menu (array('theme_location' => 'secondary-menu','menu_class' => 'nav'));?>
Nothing shows.
If I try:
<?php if ( has_nav_menu( 'primary-menu' ) )
echo 'primary-menu exists';
<?php if ( has_nav_menu( 'secondary-menu' ) )
echo 'secondary-menu exists';
I got those messages, but still no menu.
What is wrong? pls find it, because I can’t
]]>Quick question about the behavior of the wp_nav_menu function. The codex says :
Given a theme_location parameter, the function displays the menu assigned to that location, or nothing if no such location exists or no menu is assigned to it.
If not given a theme_location parameter, the function displays
* the menu matching the ID, slug, or name given by the menu parameter, if that menu has at least 1 item;
* etc.
In my experiments however, “menu” seems to be taking precedence over “theme_location” if both are declared. The following code outputs the “Primary Navigation” menu as defined via the admin panel, not the menu actually associated with the registered “footer_menu” location in said panel.
wp_nav_menu( array(
'menu' => 'primary-navigation',
'theme_location' => 'footer_menu',
'fallback_cb' => ''
) );
This seems inconsistent with the doc.
I know it’s not a big deal, but am I missing something ?
Thanks in advance for your help !
]]>add_action( 'init', 'register_my_menus' );
function register_my_menus() {
'primary-menu' => __( 'menu-top' ),
'secondary-menu' => __( 'Secondary Menu' ),
'footer-menu' => __( 'Footer Menu' )
I have added this code to my header file:
<?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'menu-top', 'container_class' => 'my menu' ) ); ?>
Am I filling in the correct information and in the correct locations? menu-top is the menu I have created in appearance > menus, and mymenu is the style sheet that I am trying to link to.
]]>The whole code will not collapse if the theme_location is named anything other than a/any actual location. theme_location can be named by any set of descriptors. The location itself of a menu is determined by hard coding the location within the HTML; and, theme_location does nothing to benefit a dynamic layout of the page.
Again, registering a theme_location is not guaranteeing that the location will become associated with any particular part of any page. Registering theme_location only allows the menu to become selectable by the user and again has nothing to do with an actual location. I suggest that theme_location become a more conventional standard adaptation appropriate of wordpress such as menu_selected!
(string) (optional) The location in the theme to be used–must be registered with register_nav_menu() in order to be selectable by the user
Default: None
should read:
(string) (optional) The selected menu in the theme to be used–must be registered with register_nav_menu() in order to be selectable by the user
Default: None
]]>Nice plugin, but I found some faulty logic regarding Menu HTML IDs versus Menu Object IDs. In wps_custom_nav_menu_items() (line 188), the first check is for:
if ( $args['menu_id'] ){
$menu_id = $args['menu_id'];
However, the menu_id argument is the string for the ID attribute of the menu’s top-level UL element. If not set in wp_nav_menu, I believe it defaults to the menu object’s (database) ID. However, this is not a reliable way to determine the menu object’s ID, which is what is required, since it can easily be set in the wp_nav_menu() call (as in my case). If that occurs, the ID is not properly determined and the remaining plugin logic fails.
The second bit of logic is a much better solution:
if ( $args['theme_location'] ) {
$menu_locations = get_nav_menu_locations();
$menu_id = $menu_locations[$args['theme_location']];
because if the theme_location parameter is set (as it almost always should be), this is a reliable way to determine the menu object ID.
I’m not convinced that the $args[‘menu_id’] check should be there at all, unless it is accompanied by an is_numeric check (which still has the potential to be unreliable), but I propose this rearranged logic:
// Get menu id
//Check the theme location first
if ( $args['theme_location'] ) {
$menu_locations = get_nav_menu_locations();
$menu_id = $menu_locations[$args['theme_location']];
//Try the menu ID, if it's a number
else if ( isset( $args['menu_id'] ) && is_numeric( $args['menu_id'] ) ){
$menu_id = $args['menu_id'];
else {
$nav_item_db_id = $sorted_menu_items[1]->ID;
$nav_menu = wp_get_object_terms( $nav_item_db_id, 'nav_menu' );
$menu_id = $nav_menu[0]->term_id;
Hope that helps!