I’m trying to remove space above the text on one of my pages, so that the text aligns with the top of the first image, but I can’t figure out how to do it. I feel I’ve tried everything, including the tips on this page: https://ultimateblocks.com/how-to-remove-space-between-blocks-in-wordpress/
Any suggestions on how to solve this?
]]>document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
const updateEventMessage = () => {
const noEventsMessage = document.querySelector(
if (noEventsMessage && noEventsMessage.textContent.trim() === "There are no upcoming events.") {
noEventsMessage.textContent = "My NEW text.";
const observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutationsList) {
mutationsList.forEach(function (mutation) {
if (mutation.type === "childList") {
const targetNode = document.querySelector(".tribe-events-c-messages__message-list");
if (targetNode) {
observer.observe(targetNode, {
childList: true,
subtree: true
works for all form groups that are hidden. However, I now need to remove an option. I can disable the second option via JS, but I would rather remove that option altogether and use a text field to indicate there is only that one option available, and there’s no need for a dropdown when there are no choices. So, I tried replacing the dropdown with
Unfortunately, when CF7 sends emails, it is including the label for that field as well as the text of the field in all hidden repeating groups, despite “Exclude lines with blank mail-tags from output” being checked.
In order for a dropdown to clear_on_hide
, a first_as_label
such as “- Select -” must be used, and it looks silly to do it this way when there’s only a single option available in the dropdown (and it looks ridiculous to use a dropdown to begin with when there are no choices). This is why I want to just use a text field.
I can’t simply delete the text field from the CF7 mail output, because the user needs to be shown this [now forced] option in their email for every section that they actually fill out (non-hidden). Also, removal of the second option is temporary; it will be removed/replaced at specific intervals, so the less editing I need to do, the better.
Am I missing something or is clear_on_hide
a readonly text field and then refill the text field with the CF7 tag value upon showing the group not supported with your plugin (yet)? If not, then consider this a feature request.
My field boxes are sized, positioned and aligned with the Column Shortcodes plugin, so that all fields match and look right. Checkboxes or radios would adversely affect the aesthetics, for one thing, so I’m stuck with using dropdown or text field.
thank you very much for the great plugin. All my news pages have the heading “Archive: News”. Where can I change this text?
Thank you in advance!
The html editor ignores and removes any inline css I add.
]]>Quelques clicks et toutes mes images étaient nickel en terme de textes alternatifs et titres, plus rien n’était nommés basiquement “sans titre 1. 2.3” etc… :’)
Quelques minutes et hop !
]]>We are currently using your simple but very effective password solution on our side, and we absolutely love it. However, I’m unsure how to change the default visualized title text. I would greatly appreciate your help with this.
Thank you so much in advance!
Best regards,
The markers show, but how do i get the text in it?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><kml xmlns="https://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2"><Document><Placemark><name>Vertrekpunt</name><description>IJmeer, Waterland, Noord-Holland</description><Point><coordinates>5.100669,52.415713</coordinates></Point></Placemark><Placemark><name>Eindpunt</name><description>IJmeer, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland</description><Point><coordinates>5.058854,52.383934</coordinates></Point></Placemark><Placemark><name>MarinePlan Boat Route</name><Style><Style id="route"><LineStyle><color>ff0000ff</color><width>4</width></LineStyle></Style></Style><description>Route van IJmeer naar IJmeer op 03-10-2024, 15:41</description><styleUrl>#route</styleUrl><LineString><coordinates>5.100669,52.415713 5.108301,52.405237 5.105556,52.401736 5.103522,52.400169 5.092803,52.396345 5.082075,52.39252 5.071346,52.388695 5.060664,52.384662 5.058854,52.383934</coordinates></LineString></Placemark></Document></kml>