Thank you very much
]]>Thanks for your reply!
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[glow color=”#99000]text[/glow]
]]>I added the text shadow myself, but every time BP cover updates their plugin, my edits get removed… so I suggest and request that you make this a default feature – it makes lighter covers look so much better! (The titles are much easier to read)
I’m also hoping I can solve the spacing issue on my own, if I can I’ll post the css edit in this thread.
Here’s the text shadow:
open this file: /plugins/bp-cover/css/bp-cover-group.css
find (ctrl+f) this line: .galnav figcaption p {
add this code: text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #000000;
]]>Does anyone know how I can remove the text shadow for all elements / for the whole site?