Here is what I am using in the text widget:
[open_text]%if_open% <span class=”open_circle” style=”color: #efbd3e;”>●</span> Open now? | ?<span style=”font-weight: 300;”>%hours_today%</span> %end% %if_open_later% <span class=”closed_circle” style=”color: #ff3d6d;”>●</span> CLOSED? | ?<span style=”text-transform: lowercase; font-weight: 300;”>Today’s hours: %hours_today%</span> %end% %end% %if_closed_today% <span class=”closed_circle” style=”color: #ff3d6d;”>●</span> Closed today %end%[/open_text]
]]>My most recent blog post text is appearing on the welcome page only, not in the post. The image is showing on the welcome page AND in the post.
When I preview the post from my dashboard, only the image appears. The image is set as a “Featured Image”
Note: when I previewed the post before publication, the text and image were both visible. All seemed well. It is only since clicking ‘publish’ that I have this issue.
I have tried clearing cache and deleting and re-inserting the image, to no avail.
Any help is appreciated.
I’m sorry, I am taking a class on WordPress and have tried everything I can to figure this out myself.
]]>I did not change any default option of the plugin.
The box is appearing correctly but no text in it!
The HTML configured in the plugin config is not appearing.
But the facebook/twitter/g+ buttons are showing correctly when activated, but not the html content (I try to change the html content to some simple text but not worked too).
Someone have some ideas please?
Thank you.