I would like to use the SliceWP Pro plugin in a testing environment on localhost to set up and verify the integration before deploying it to the live site. Could you please let me know what options are available for this? Do you provide test licenses, or is there another way to activate the plugin in a local development environment?
Thank you!
]]>J’ai eu un soucis au tout début du mois entre Stripe et WooCommerce.
J’ai fait un paiement en mode test et avec “”PDF Invoices & Packing Slips for WooCommerce” cela a généré une facture pour de l’argent qui n’existe donc pas.
Au niveau comptable, je ne peux pas présenter une facture pour laquelle je n’ai pas encaissée d’argent puisque ce n’ai pas un paiement réel.
J’ai d’abord échangé avec Stripe et WooCommerce avant de venir ici.
Voici ce qui a été dit :
> J’ai fait un test de paiement en “Mode test”, cela m’a généré une facture mais naturellement il n’y a pas d’argent re?u sur Stripe.
Stripe m’a dit : “D’accord, ce qui est le comportement attendu.” Au sujet de l’action que j’ai fait avec Stripe en mode test c’était la bonne procédure.
> Ensuite, j’ai expliqué la situation à WooCommerce, ils m’ont dit :
“Cela a du sens?: comme le paiement a été effectué en mode test, aucun fonds réel n’a été traité et vous ne souhaitez pas que cette facture soit incluse dans vos registres comptables.”
J’ai dans WooCommerce > Commande > j’ai modifié l’état en “Annulée”.
En conclusion :
Est-ce possible d’annuler cette facture ? ou de mentionné quelque chose d’officiel pour que cela ne soit pas traduit en erreur comptable, ce qui me co?terait très cher.
Pouvez-vous m’aider ?
I have a problem with the course outline in my sidebar.
I am using the shortcode [lifterlms_course_outline] in my course/lesson sidebar, because I want the outline to be collapsed and only show the lessons of the current section. This works perfectly, as long as the user is within the lesson.
But if the lesson contains a quiz/test, the outline doesn’t show the correct lessons “uncollapsed”, instead the first section is being shown, in which there are unmarked lessons. No matter in which course section the current test is.
This is not good for my application, because students should be allowed to go through the course in a different sequence.
I assume, this is the way it is, because the url structure of the regular lessons is “websitename.com/lesson/lesson-name” but the url structure of a test is “websitename.com/test/test-name” and not “websitename.com/lesson/test-name/… ” (or however you named the structure on your lifterlms pages). Am I right, that this is the reason?
It would be an (not very nice, but acceptable) solution to me, that all sections are collapsed during the test. I could then set this up for the tests. But the shortcode has no option, that all sections are collapsed. Way better would be a solution, where the right section of the current test is being shown in the outline.
I would be very glad, if someone can help me.
Thank you!
]]>I am currently using your plugin to manage subscription payments for WooCommerce, with Stripe Sandbox as the payment gateway. I’ve configured the subscription to charge once per day for testing purposes, and I would like to verify that the subscription payments are working correctly.
In my first tests, it’s working fine. The subscription was done successfully.
Could you please guide me on the best way to confirm that the recurring payments are being processed as expected? Specifically, I would like to know how to check whether each payment has been successfully completed within the Stripe Sandbox environment.
Thank you for your assistance, and I look forward to your response.