TLDR: Ai and generative Ai is dangerous and a threat to everyone right now .
That all said, I think it would be important for a platform like WordPress to, at the very least, take a firm stance against generative Ai and provide protections for everyone’s websites from content scraping. This isn’t something that should be solely on plugin developers to create, but something that should be built by WordPress, or brought to WordPress.
Additionally, WordPress should also have a clear statement in their Terms of Service/Use and Privacy Policy that data and content that a user has on their site will not be used gathered by WordPress and used for generative Ai machine learning purposes. It’s a level of accountability that we need more companies to step up and own when this technology is being abused by other companies.
Having basic protections against theft should be a foundation of WordPress, regardless of predatory business practices and trends in the tech industry.
]]>Thanks in advance.
]]>into just: a>TOS< /a> and <a>PRIVACY POLICY
Using the exact code as suggested by WPdiscuz. Clicking on the links just checks or unchecks the agreement box
]]>However, in pages where the shortcode [terms] is used by WooCommerce, the link is displayed as “terms and conditions.” This is what I would like to change to display the link as “Terms of Service” anywhere it uses the shortcode and displayed incorrectly. How do I change this to Terms of Service? Do I make the change in my theme or somewhere in WooCommerce?
I have the Flatsome Child theme on my site, so I am comfortable making changes to the child.
My checkout page that uses the [terms] shortcode that displays incorrectly is linked below to demonstrate the issue.