Also, nothing shows up on the resolved calendar page. This is a GeneratePress Premium build with GenerateBlocks Pro. I am guessing that the “. . . 4 fields . . . ” referred to are the time and date fields, two sets for event start and event end, but no amount of cajoling brought any love.
Thanks for any help, and thank you for such an (otherwise) fantastic calendar.
]]>Is it possible to do this still with the Lite version? Is my formatting wrong somehow?
]]>I want to retrieve the post title or any other identifiable info from the post containing the repeater (in this case, an image gallery).
I am creating a group of galleries (each it’s own post) with a gallery field.
I want to use Pods templates to display the gallery images, but need a way to “relate” each image from its post by a common name/category for slideshow/lightbox and filtering. This seems pretty basic, and I had wanted to use the @post_title, but the each loop does not allow for this. I understand the context changes and theoretically why this doesn’t work, but any alternatives would be appreciated!
As a feature request, it would be even better if there was a way to store a template variable, similar to TWIG templates, where it could be accessed from within the loop, and perhaps even allow for calculation.
]]><div class="container">
<p>PARAGRAPH 1</p>
(Custom widget area with three Bootstrap cards side-by-side...for the sake of space, I'm not including the code)
<p>PARAGRAPH 2</p>
Ideally, I would like to hard-code the div and the h1 into the page.php template file, call a custom widget area in page.php (utilizing dynamic_sidebar()), and use the_content() in page.php to display paragraph 1 and 2 from the content entered in the WordPress Dashboard.
Here is where I run into a problem. In page.php, I would have the following code (slightly simplified, but this is the gist of it):
<div class="container">
<?php the_content(); ?>
<?php dynamic_sidebar( 'card_widget_area' ); ?>
I want paragraph 1 to be before the sidebar and paragraph 2 to be after the sidebar, yet, when I utilize the_content(), I get both paragraphs before the sidebar. Similarly, if I were to call the_content() after the sidebar, both paragraphs would display instead of only the second paragraph as desired. Is there a way to display only one of the paragraphs at a time using the_content() template tag? And can you use the_content() template tag more than once in a single template file?
Perhaps I am missing something or making things far more confusing than they need to be. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
]]>I need some help with this file. on this page instead of tags, I want the date shown. on single post pages I need the date before the tags.
How can I achieve this?
]]>I created new templates for the double opt-in and subscription confirmations in the SendInBlue Drag & Drop template editor. This uses the new template language.
But when I set those custom templates in the WordPress plugin settings I get an error telling that the old style tag [DOUBLEOPTIN] is missing in the template.
But when I add those to the template, the template editor gives an error that the template won’t work with the old style tag and I should use the new style.
So this way I am getting nowhere
Looking at the plugin code I see that in there also the old style template tags are used. Maybe these should also be updated?
How can this be solved?
]]>This is the case for another article too. Would like the site to be able to show all authors at the top as they deserve the credit.
Can someone please help.
]]>I’m looking to display a logo to the left of the site title and title at the same time. The current default is only being able to display the site title or the logo. I would like all of them!
I managed to figure out through HTML that when no logo is uploaded, the site title is displayed as a screen reader click through link function.
I found that adding this code below the logo div/ replacing the site description with a bundled site title and description worked when editing the site through live Inspector.
<div class="site-title"> Site Title
<p class="site-description" style=" margin-left: 0px;">Site Description</p>
<!-- .site-description -->'
But of course getting that to translate to php / css is a whole other story. I tried editing inc/template-tags.php to try to replicate a similar workaround as I tested in Inspector, but WordPress wouldn’t allow me to update the code in my child theme.
I got this message in the theme editor:
Unable to communicate back with site to check for fatal errors, so the PHP change was reverted. You will need to upload your PHP file change by some other means, such as by using SFTP.
Thanks for your help!
My question is very simple: Where and how do I edit meta tags, aka {template tags} ?
For example, one of my forms is using {offline_mailing_address} but the address is a dummy address. How can I subsititute my real offline mailing address?
Above is just one example. There are dozens of {template tags} whose content I might want to edit. How do I edit them??