I’ve noticed that the template pages have a different structure that also seems to cause other issues (for example, ‘containers’ don’t function as well: if I copy/paste a ‘container’ block that works on a regular page, it fails to work on a template page).
I’ve seen some solutions in the forum suggesting to disable ‘cache’ plugins, but this doesn’t seem to work for me.
Is there a solution specifically for template pages (like xxx.com/category/xxx)?
Am I doing something wrong with ‘template’ pages ?
Is it possible to code a template page that I can set my blog page to in order to correct this? And how would I do that!
]]>function travelafrique_woocommerce_support(){
add_action('after_setup_theme', 'travelafrique_woocommerce_support');
I also can’t override template files by copying WooCommerce Template files into my Themes folder. I also know that the correct way to that would be by copying the necessary files into the following folder wp-content/themes/MYTHEME/woocommerce/templates
I’ve spent already two days trying to fix, this but I can’t see, what has gone wrong. Any help would be appreciated.
]]>i’m trying to locate which template page is loaded for a single event page display..
i’m helping editing site for an event, don’t have much control over the site (to redo)
but I added event manager to display events.. for now, just one event.
I want to know which template page it is using as the width is limited by space reserved for side widget I think.. so I can give it full width..
how to i find out which template is used? (It seems to be a home made theme with tons of pages template.. )
]]>I would like to add PHP conditions depending on which category the visitor decides to display an events list.
To do that, is it possible to use a template page to display a category events list? (by default, the plugin uses page.php but i would like to use an other)
I hope you understand me!
Thank you!