It’s been a few updates of Elementor since then, and I’ve tried changing CSS Print Method, Regenerate CSS & Data, tried deactivating plugins and adding php footer script to functions.php to no avail.
I did however try another theme, and “Edit with Elementor” showed up on the front page which it didn’t with Hello Elementor active.
I’m not a very code savvy person, but I can fiddle with code (In a safe way), so how can I make Elementor “recognize” the theme again? Hopefully you awesome people on here can help a code-newbie out
Thank you.
]]>I’ve used a theme name: Yoku and in that theme, there is learnpress folder that I what to override to the child theme, but I’m not sure how to do it.
Could you provide some guidance about it?
Best regards,
please explain me how i create folder structure to overwrite template?
I hope someone can help me.
I want to change “Recent events” to “Kommende arrangementer”.
I override the template file called “event-listings-start.php” to this folder: themes/hestia/wp-event-manager and change the text “Recent events” to “Kommende arrangementer”
But it didn′t change. Did I do something wrong?
]]>Is there anyway of doing this? I see in ACF, I have the ability to apply these to an “ad” template, but I don’t know where to edit code to actually have the fields show up on the ad template backend.
Hopefully that make sense. Basically, if I wanted to add these fields to say a generic blog post, I’d do the same thing and apply them to “posts”, then go to single.php and add the fields to populate. I don’t know where I would add the fields for this, or if it’s possible.
Any insight would be truly appreciated.
]]>I’m trying to let users of my plugin override plugin template via their (child) theme, by using this tutorial.
It works, but not when adding my own plugin template file.
My file contains many variables and I’m only getting the undefined variable notifications:
Notice: Undefined variable: output in in C:\wamp\www\my-domain\wp-content\plugins\my-plugin-slug\my-template-file.php on line 8
Notice: Undefined variable: page_meta_section_start in C:\wamp\www\my-domain\wp-content\plugins\my-plugin-slug\my-template-file.php on line 10
I have no idea why this happens, every variable is initialised within my plugin.
Even without overriding this file (so when it uses native plugin file) I encounter this.
I include file similar to how mentioned in tutorial:
$output .= wcpt_get_template( 'my-template-file.php' );
Any ideas?
]]>In some cases the resultspage loads the index.php file instead of the archive.php file. This happens only when i’m not filtering. The reason why is because the Search & Filter sends me to /?post_types=movie as the url of the custom post type. This should be /?post_type=movie (without the ‘s’).
If i’ll remove the ‘s’ in the browser, the right page is loaded.
Any way to fix this?
Kind regards,