Also i want to show the “TO” above the client name. also remove they payment details from the invoice. i tried to modify this from the wp plugin file editor. but its not working. although i am not good at this part.
I am cordially seeking the expert help how to customize my invoice template. here i have attached a SS for the understanding. it would be a great help for me.
]]>Template Path: yourtheme/tribe/events/v2/month/calendar-body/day/calendar-events/calendar-event/tooltip.php
$tickets = new Tribe__Tickets__Tickets();
if( $tickets->post_has_tickets( $event ) ){
$ticket = $tickets->get_ticket_counts( $event->ID );
if( $ticket['tickets']['available'] == 0 ){
<a href="<?php echo esc_url( $event->permalink ); ?>/#form-waitlist-title" rel="bookmark" style="font-size: 13px;text-decoration: underline;font-weight: bold;color: #153D6B;"><span>Click here to Join Waitlist</span></a>
]]>We want to format the monthly calendar as plain as possible for printing? We want this for a school so it can be printed and sent to parents. Thanks a lot in advance.
]]>On the Event Tickets email after purchase, there is an unstranslatable string – month name. Here you can see which string is not translatable –
The issue was replicated on a staging site running only the necessary plugins.
I already contacted WPML support and they suggested to write to you, because it`s a problem in your code. There is also more information there –
]]>In the overview of the event details, there is a komma after the city name. Since we only organize events in The Nederlands it looks a little bit weird to put that in the details. But the komma remains when I leave the entryfield of the country empty. Is there a way to get rid of that komma after the city name?
Thanks in advance!
]]>I basically have daily ‘events’ (performances) that last several weeks or months…
]]>I have an issue with the link to the organiser’s website for event that I create.
Indeed, there is no option (on the free plug in) to open the website on a new page.
It always opens in the current page.
Can you please help with this ?
Or is it only with the pro version ?
Thanks in advance for your help in this matter.