J’ai fais des modifications en supprimant des blocs de produits. Celles ci sont bien actualisé sur la version ordi mais ne s’actualisent pas sur le téléphone et les tablettes. Je ne vois pas comment faire…
Merci de votre aide !
]]>MailRelay has a telephone field.
Is it possible add compatibility with Bit Integrations to this telephone field?
Many thanks
]]>Thanks for this great form plugin.
I don’t know just realised the following problem about the phone field. I have set the default country as AUS, however getting Afghanistan as default, Check the attached screenshots
Nous utilisons le plug in depuis plusieurs mois maintenant et nous en sommes très satisfaits alors déjà merci !
Seul soucis qui subsiste est un bug qui empêche la génération de l’étiquette lorsque le client (belge ou suisse notamment) donne son numéro de téléphone en débutant par 0032XXXXXX au lieu de +32XXXXXXX. Lorsqu’on modifie manuellement les éléments dans l’adresse de facturation et de livraison sur la commande, le problème est résolu et nous pouvons générer l’étiquette manuellement. Cependant c’est une manipulation supplémentaire qui prend du temps.
Pourriez-vous modifier cela ?
Merci beaucoup
]]>My first ever time to place contact form 7 to website, so I dont know is this normal or not? As I created the form there was by default name email subject and textarea. I needed to add telephone and did it like that:
<label> Nimi (pakollinen)
[text* your-name] </label>
<label> S?hk?posti (pakollinen)
[email* your-email] </label>
<label> Puhelin
[tel tel-154] </label>
<label> Otsikko
[text* your-subject] </label>
<label> Viesti
[textarea your-message] </label>
[submit "L?het?"]
Whats wrong with it, for as you can see the telephone-line is different. On mobile phone it also behaves different and weird. Somebody said I would need to manage css, but I dont know how. Thank you!
I’m using the plugin and extension for a staff directory on our website. The functionality to allow users to call a number directly from the table would be particularly useful for our mobile users. They could then simply tap on a number and their smart device would associate the link with the phone’s primary calling app and open with the number populated.
Is this a function that could be added to the extension?
Thank you,
EDIT: I went back and looked at my table. It’s obviously been a little while since I’ve used the plugin/extension. Clearly using ‘mailto:’ is not required, since it converts automatically. So I guess the question becomes: Can the same be done for phone numbers, to convert them automatically to ‘tel:’ links?