Also, is there a way to increase the number of entries shown on the pc browser where they do work, it is very slow loading more and more entries (I have 600 on one taxonomy)
Regards and thanks
I have created a custom taxonomy called “Material”s, works great thanks
You can see it bottom right here
I would like to create a dropdown selection filter for these “materials” on a few pages including my homepage
How do I do that and ideally would be good if the selection happens without clicking a go button after selection?
]]>Now I have to go back to the older-version again. (Sorry for using these word but..) “Lousy” for a developer to depreciate one of it’s plugins core-function.
]]>I had 4 custom taxonomies State, District, Taluk, Village. I want when a user select on state, the next dropdown option District should show with the particular state in the same way taluk & village.
Like chained…State>District>Taluk>Village.
But districts, Taluks & villages option shows all the districts, Taluks & villages please make a solution.
]]><div id="browselist" class="clearfix">
<h3 class="sidetitle">Arama Listesi</h3>
<p class="listin"><span>Semt</span><br/><?php the_dropdown_taxonomy('semt'); ?></p>
<p class="listin"><span>Listeleme Durumu</span><br/><?php the_dropdown_taxonomy('mdurumu'); ?></p>
I use this code(drop-down-taxonomy.php):
function the_dropdown_taxonomy($taxonomy) {
$id = "{$taxonomy}-dropdown";
$js =<<<SCRIPT
<script type="text/javascript">
window.location.href = $(this).val();
echo $js;
$terms = get_terms($taxonomy);
echo "<select name=\"{$id}\" id=\"{$id}\">";
echo '<option value="#"> - Select - </option>';
foreach($terms as $term) {
echo '<option value="';
echo get_term_link(intval($term->term_id),$taxonomy);
echo '">' . "{$term->name}</option>";
echo "</select>";
function jquery_init() {
When I wrote these code, I can see search form with taxonomy dropdown but when I click or enter, It doesnt work :/
Who will help me about this quesiton?
Notice: I cant talk fluent so write me using simple language