I have a ton of tags on more than a year’s worth of posts (about 600) describing exhibitions: tags for cities, countries, venues, artists, and so on. I need a way to categorize these tags. Ideally, I want users to be able to navigate the archives like this:
Cities -> Berlin (List of exhibitions from Berlin)
Galleries -> Sprueth Magers (List of exhibitions at Sprueth Magers)
Artists -> Josh Smith (List of exhibitions by Josh Smith)
I’d like to request that whatever feature can enable me to do this is created as soon as possible. I love wordpress, and I think it’s too powerful of a system to lack this sort of functionality.
Thanks very much for everything!
I’ve been running a large wp site for a year and have accumulated about 1000 different tags. The posts are about art exhibitions, and I’ve tagged them with the city, country and gallery where the show was held, as well as the names of any artists or curators involved. This is already somewhat helpful, because if you’re looking for more exhibitions in a certain city or by a certain artist, it’s easy to get all of them in one place. But I’d like to allow users to browse a list of all of the cities, artists and so on as a way of more easily accessing the archive. I already have all of this information in tags, what I need to do is be able to group tags into tag-categories, or put another way to develop a hierarchy, where the tag “city” is higher than the tag “Antwerp”.
What’s my best bet?
Thanks very much for your help.
Why I don’t want to use categories is, becaause I want to be able to add “Amsterdam” also to the “higher” tag “Capitals” (Together with Paris, London), and “The Hague” to the top-tag “Government seats” (again with Paris and London)
For this, if I tag a post “Amsterdam”, it should be automaically be tagged “Capitals”, and if I tag a post “The Hague”, it should pop-up in “Government seats” and in “The Netherlands”.
I think that another possiblility would be to “tag” categories. Eg. that categories can be appointed several tags, so then the “Amsterdam”-category would be tagged “Capitals” and “The Netherlands”
If I can make this work, I want to hide my category list from my side-bar, and show the hierachical tag list instead.
Does this make sense? See the blog https://climatesceptics.org for where it should be applied.
Does anyone have a tip for a plugin I can use?
]]>Background: I run a hobby blog. I have used a different category for each project I am working on – so that others may just find related posts on that particular project if they are so interested. I have migrated the projects to being tags with 2.3.
Problem: I would like to create a page that when the specific tag is clicked in the post, it goes to the page that has a current photo of the project, the table of the project bars (using the plugin wp-Table), and then a listing -title only -of the posts.
Is this even possible? Any assistance would be greatful!