I would like to know if it possible to show the tag count next to the tag. If so, how do you do it?
Something like:
Apples (20)
Oranges (5)
Bananas (16)
]]>I am customizing P2 as a child theme for my own private internal chatroom, and there are 2 things I want to do:
1. Remove the tag count between brackets on the posts.
2. Remove the “Permalink” action link (next to “Reply | Edit”) on posts and comments, which I find pretty useless.
For #1, I normally just go inside the functions.php get_tags_with_count and replace:
$tag_link = '<a href="' . get_tag_link( $tag ) . '" rel="tag">' . $tag->name . ' ( ' . number_format_i18n( $tag->count ) . ' )</a>';
$tag_link = '<a href="' . get_tag_link( $tag ) . '" rel="tag">' . $tag->name . '</a>';
Is there a better/cleaner way to do that without having to make that change every time P2 gets updated?
For #2, the problem seems more complicated… I’ve done some Googling and it seems I may have to not only edit functions.php but also some other files. My first attempt seems to have made a mess as when I use the Search box on my site it now displays the search result in complete random order (as opposed to chronological).
Any help and suggestions appreciated!
Thanks in advance,
]]>I’d like to take the number of posts associated with a tag, and plot them on a chart to show the tag distribution.
I’ve figured out how to get the count of a specific tag. How would I plot this on a doughnut chart?
$taxonomy = "post_tag";
$term_name = 'iPhone';
$term = get_term_by('name', $term_name, $taxonomy);
echo $term->count;
]]>I’m thinking of removing the mouseover message that shows the count because it makes it look like images are missing.
]]>For Example you click on tag ‘WORK’
Text to be displayed on starting:
30 posts have been added under tag ‘WORK’
same for ever TAG
I am using ‘twenty ten theme’
Thanks in advance
]]>when i see https://XXXXXX.XXX/?tag=a , i want to see MyPost_2 before MyPost_1
]]>I was wondering if anyone had a nice clean & simple way of outputting the total amount of tags used on a wordpress site as just a plain number.
Each time I add a new post I use a tag to place it into a film genre (eg Horror etc). I want to have something like:
Movies: 234
Genres: 142
I have found a way to count and output a number of the amount of posts within the ‘Movie’ category
<?php echo wp_count_posts()->publish; ?>
So I am looking for something as simple to display the number of tags used. I am really surprised I am having as much trouble finding a solution as I am as this (to me) seems like a pretty basic and useful thing to add to the Codex.
Any ideas would be awesome. Thanks guys
I’ve tried a few things:
$args= array('tag__in' => array('1', '3', '5'));
$alltags = get_terms('post_tag', $args);
That just locks the page up.
I’ve tried this as well:
$args = array(
'slug'=>array('slug1', 'slug2', 'slug3'));
$alltags = get_terms('post_tag', $args);
And I’ve tried different variations of each.
Any thoughts on how to pull the post count on a set of tags? I could do multiple get_terms with each slug but I’m trying to have 1 database pull and not 10. Thanks!