Database ‘database name’
Table Structure for table ‘wp-commentmeta’
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ‘wp_commentmeta’ (
‘meta_key’ VARCHAR (255)COLLATEutf8mb4_unicode-ci DEFAULT NULL
‘meta_value’ LONGTEXT COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci
) ENGINE=INNDOB DEFAULT CHARSET utfmb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
MySQL said: ?
#1273 Unknown collation: ‘utf8mb4_unicode_ci’
I am not coder, and I do not know what this means. Can anyone help me out? Thank you!
]]> | 393890 | name_my_database | localhost | name_my_database | Query | 0 | Copying to tmp table | SELECT t.*, tt.* FROM wp_ngg_gallery AS t INNER JOIN wp_ngg
_pictures AS tt ON t.gid = tt.galleryid W | _pictures AS tt ON t.gid = tt.galleryid W |
]]>I’ll be needing to display a list of authors for a particular category and, separately, to display the categories to which an author is assigned.
As I see it there are 2 options for the table structure I’d use:
1) Create a table which stores an array of assigned author id’s to a category and then add a column to the wp_users table which will store an array of category id’s for each user.
2) Create a table that has a column for each category and a row for each author. These would be added dynamically whenever a category was edited to assign authors.
I’d be really grateful for any guidance or suggestions, perhaps I’m missing some important info? I’m relatively new to WordPress…
Thanks in advance!
]]>So anyway – I’m an organizational freak and I’ve been through just about every structure I could get my hands on. Which table in the SQL are the CATEGORIES located on?
And why do I have the itching feeling that it’s on one of the corrupt structures?