Sometime the button in a table cell works but few hours later, it doesn’t.
My page is Japanese but blue button with yen mark is “add to cart” button. And at the left side of music player, it’s a title and by clicking it you can jump to each download page. Please assist with this trouble.
<button in a table cell>
<each download page, add cart button is 1,980 just above share buttons.
Thank you.
]]>With ajax call I’m accessing the table press data.
When I use the code
echo do_shortcode(“[table id=2 /]”);
It showing entire table. But when I want to display a specific column I used the code
echo do_shortcode(“[table-cell id=1 row=1 column=2 /]”);
But this is not working and I’m getting the response as [table-cell id=1 row=1 column=2 /]
Please provide me some solution to display a single column value using ajax.
Note: I have already installed the Single Cell Content Shortcode Extension 1.1
]]>6. Now on clicking the cell on webpage, I can see the URL “” but pop is not loading.
When I give the link to a text in the webpage, pop up opens correctly.
]]>TypeError: is not a function1 tables.editor.toolbar.js:277:25
Any idea how to resolve this?
Also, is there any way of adding images via the WordPress Gallery functionality for using uploaded images to a table cell.
]]>The most obvious example of the problem is at
The bit of code for that section is:
<tr><td colspan="4">
Who broke this lamp?<br/><br/>
Whose toys are all over the floor?<br/><br/>
For whom are you calling?<br/><br/>
Which twin are you?<br/><br/>
What did you want to know?</td></tr>
Running WordPress 4.2.4 running Tweak Me v2 theme.
]]>I using tablepress (great tool) but I want to add a different background image to a single cell. The FAQ sheet does not help me here, I’m afraid. Please provide me the right custom code.
Here is my url,
]]>And, the text cell option for the table. Essentially a single table cell that could be treated as a cell, but which wouldn’t require merging cells. Could act as a text block.