function filter_events_title( $title ) {
if( tribe_context()->get( 'view_request' ) === 'default' ) {
$title = 'Single event page';
} elseif( tribe_context()->get( 'view_request' ) === 'list' ) {
$title = 'Single event page';
} elseif( tribe_context()->get( 'view_request' ) === 'month') {
$title = 'Month event page';
} elseif( tribe_context()->get( 'view_request' ) === 'day' ) {
$title = 'Day event page';
} elseif( tribe_context()->get( 'view_request' ) === 'summary' ) {
$title = 'Summary event page';
} elseif( tribe_context()->get( 'view_request' ) === 'photo' ) {
$title = 'Photo event page';
} elseif( tribe_context()->get( 'view_request' ) === 'map' ) {
$title = 'Map event page';
return $title;
add_filter( 'tribe_events_title_tag', 'filter_events_title' );
I added this code from your knowledge base in functions.php of the child theme and it worked only for the first condition (‘default’), I put the same $title everywhere but it seems to need an update as in list view it changes again to “Upcoming Events” and is different in Month and Day views too (“Events for [Month]”, “Events for [Day]”), basically no other condition of this function changes the meta title. Could you tell me how to make it work please?
Best regards!
]]>I wanted to change the tab title of an existing tab. Although there is this hint
“Any updates made here will apply to all products using this tab.”
the currently existing tabs do not change their title.
]]>i need to paste text into the tab title field.
Since the content is in various language i cant type it (i.e. chinese).
Problem is the tab title in the backend is a div and not an input/textarea field so you can′t paste text there.
Any solution here?
Thank you!
]]>currently the tab-title gets displayed as
Pagename — Sitename
and I want to change it to
Sitename –Pagename.
I am using the OceanWp theme.
]]>I am using Ultimate Block v2.3.5.
Test 1: (Create new post)
Paste any word to tab title it works fine.
Test 2: (Edit existing post)
Paste any word to tab title it do nothing. But I can change title by typing.
When the site is translated via Polylang plugin, Tab titles of Scheudle section widget is not displayed on translated languages (ENG & GER in this case), but it’s OK on native language (CROatian in this case…)
Any suggestions?
Thanx in advance.
]]>I am having the exact same issue as in this support thread that is now closed.
https://puffingbilly.com.au/timetable/ is also an archive page like in that thread, it is created by “the events calendar” plugin.
You will see that, at the moment the tab of that page is “Timetable Archive – Puffing Billy, i temporarily disabled yoast and the tab changed to “Timetable for June 13, 2009 – Puffing Billy”.So it is Yoast that is changing the tab name. In the above support thread it is suggested to change the “SEO title” in “Edit snippet” on the page in question, by default it had 4 “snippet variables” in there, “title” “Primary category” “Seperator” “site title”
I tried removing “primary category and then saving the page but there was no change, i have since deleted all pre-defined “snippet variables” and just replaced it with the text “Timetablle – Puffing Billy” but it still will not change.
I have cleared my browser cache and refreshed multiple times by the tab stubbornly will not change.
Any ideas on why it will not change?
I look forward to your reply
Currently the html document title in admin mode appears for me with this structure :
“Edit page : <site title>”
This html title is not managed by the header of the theme and I have not found till now where it is defined.
It is obviously not easily usable because if you open various “edit page” at same time you get the same title and cannot find the right tab to activate.
Then it is into the core for admin.
The solution should be a plugin but I have not found anyone which does this : parameter the content of html document title of admin tabs
I need help to find
– where the title of admin pages is generated
– if there is a way to define the content (to write a hack to get i.e. “edit : <page title>” but not “edit : <site title>”) or a plugin to personalize.
Best regards
Note : I had taken care of this sometimes ago and differ but now some revisers of pages are losts with this (more when there are versions of documents with quite same titles they have done errors). I don’t find back the result of my search.