The browser console error shows:
‘Refused to execute script from ‘/?wordfence_syncAttackData=1737016752.096’ because its MIME type (‘text/html’) is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.’
Previously, we encountered a connectivity issue, which was displayed in the Diagnostics section of the Wordfence tools.
We have resolved the connectivity issue; however, the ‘syncattackdata’ error still persists. Could you please provide us with your insights on this issue?
Thank you.
Diagnostic report sent
]]><script type="text/javascript" src="" async></script>
inside the <head /> tag.
The script sometimes loads very slowly (>10 sec), and blocks the execution of some window.onload script.
Searching the forum I found, which said that this script “isn’t supposed to appear in the page source for visitors…However, it can do that if your site is not able to make the call in the normal way.”.
So, what is needed for Wordfence to make calls in the ‘normal way’?
Also, are there a way to absolutely prevent Wordfence from adding this script (and any other script tag?) under all circumstances?
FYI, the site I’m dealing with is running:
– WordPress 5.4
– Wordfence 7.4.6
– using the MySQLi storage engine mode
– inside Azure Webapp for Container
– using the default WordPress Docker image
– currently put behind .htpasswd password protection
Any help is appreciated!
]]>Live traffic is showing endless entries of those two entry types:
‘Switzerland left https://mydomain/?wordfence_syncAttackData=1569356277.9766 and was blocked for UA/Referrer/IP Range not allowed at https://mydomain/?wordfence_syncAttackData=1569356277.9766
24.9.2019 22:17:57 (37 minutes ago)
IP: 2a00:d70:0:b:2002:0:d91a:3755
Human/Bot: Bot
Browser: undefined’
Switzerland left https://mydomain/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1569356278.1035809516906738281250 and was blocked for UA/Referrer/IP Range not allowed at https://mydomain/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1569356278.1035809516906738281250
24.9.2019 22:17:58 (43 minutes ago)
IP: 2a00:d70:0:b:2002:0:d91a:3755
Human/Bot: Bot
Browser: undefined
I have contacted my hosting company and they explained, that the listed IP address is their own, but couldn’t help any further. I have also tried to access the URL shown in the syncAttack directly and it shows a blank page.
How can I solve this problem?
]]>Every few seconds (while live traffic view open) another entry is displayed and each is ‘blocked’.
[COUNTRY] left https://website/?wordfence_syncAttackData=1496810261.3812 and was blocked for Manual block by administrator at https://website/?wordfence_syncAttackData=1496810261.3812
If I access the URL directly it shows a blank page.
My site is in maintenance mode. This has appeared ?coincidentally? upon upgrading plugins (including wordfence).
]]>People who seem to be genuine visitors seem to be ending up here.
In the Wordfence Live Traffic I get entries like this:
United Kingdom Heywood, United Kingdom left https://****/a-blog-post/ and visited https://****/?wordfence_syncAttackData=1475919737.92
09/10/2016 11:18:59 (7 hours 8 mins ago) IP: [block] Hostname:
Browser: Chrome version 0.0 running on Win7
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/53.0.2785.143 Safari/537.36
Sheffield, United Kingdom left https://****/another-blog-post/ and visited https://****/?wordfence_syncAttackData=1475919737.92
09/10/2016 11:38:53 (6 hours 50 mins ago) IP: [block] Hostname:
Browser: Chrome version 0.0 running on Android
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.1.1; SM-J320FN Build/LMY47V) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/53.0.2785.124 Mobile Safari/537.36
I see loads and loads of these and it seems it’s happening only to genuine visitors.
Can anyone shed some light? Are visitors ending up on some error page? Or otherwise being blocked from browsing my site? It seems to be the case that whenever I have an entry like this the visitor doesn’t proceed to any other pages of my site.
The new firewall is great, but it’s really killing my server.
Just one of my sites alone is getting hundreds of calls like this:
POST /?wordfence_syncAttackData=1460833091.67
I don’t see any way to disable the firewall or stop this activity. Ideas?