A question: is it possible to switch it off on mobile?
]]>I am blogging on two languages: English and Russian. And when I writing a post in Russian, which is unsupported, I have to manually switch off the plugin on each paragraph. That’s two clicks every minute. Or I can disable the plugin and then remember to enable it again when I’m writing post in English.
Is there a way to switch the plugin off for a whole post?
P.S. I am using Polylang plugin. And I manually choose language in document settings on post creation.
]]>when reading your support forum I stumbled upon a topic (closed already 3 years ago) under the motto “Oh my God, after the recent change my super-snippet brought my website down and now I cannot even login as an administrator to fix it!”.
What you propose is to temporarily set a constant CODE_SNIPPETS_SAFE_MODE=true in wp-config.php file. Personally, I don’t think it’s a good solution. Firstly, fiddling with wp-config is generally not the best idea ever. Secondly, if someone already has FTP access to his/her website, there is no need to edit the master configuration file: it’s enough to rename the wp-content/plugins/code-snippets directory to anything else, and the plugin will be immediately switched off by WordPress. This works for any plugin, and code-snippets is not an exception.
Instead, I have implemented a cookie-based temporary switching off mechanism on my own website. It requires just a few lines of code.
Firstly, I have stored the following file into the WP root directory:
<?php // file code-snippets-off.php
$seconds = 180;
setcookie( "code-snippets-off", "true", time()+$seconds, "/", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] );
echo "Code snippets inactive for {$seconds} seconds";
Next, I have changed just one line of code in your snippet-ops.php file (first line of the execute_active_snippets function): instead of
if ( defined( 'CODE_SNIPPETS_SAFE_MODE' ) && CODE_SNIPPETS_SAFE_MODE ) {return false;}
I put
if ( isset($_COOKIE['code-snippets-off']) ) {return false;}
I think it’s pretty obvious how it works: it’s enough to type e.g. “https://my-website/code-snippets-off.php” in the address box of a web browser to get a 180-second cookie named “code-snippets-off” in the current browser session. This in turn suspends snippets execution.
I think 3 minutes should be perfectly enough to login to a website and deactivate either the whole Code Snippets plugin or just the troubled snippet. Also, the solution requires no FTP access (to be precise, one needs FTP access to set up the whole mechanism, but not to disable the snippets). This can be done even from a smartphone: everybody has a web browser on a smartphone, but few people have an FTP client installed (I don’t!).
This is also safe: the cookie disables the snippets just for your browser session, so the villains cannot paralyse the website e.g. by constantly calling code-snippets-off.php from the outside. Well, if someone needs an additional security measure, the cookie-setting file can be renamed to anything crazy-and-hard-to-guess. But then you’d better bookmark it in your browser, because you can also forget this crazy name when in panic…
Cheers — Jarek
]]>I just installed ‘Contact Form 7’ and created and edited a form nicely. But when my page loads I see at the bottom of the screen (in Firefox)
transferring data from ssl.google-anaytics.com
This transfer lasts from 3 to 12 seconds, so is massively slowing down the load of my page … and I don’t want the feature anyway.
How cam I stop this from happening? I can’t find any setting with the Contact 7 software.
Many thanks for any advice!
Best wishes. David
MODERATORS: I posted this question elsewhere, but have just noticed it wasn’t in the right place, so have re-posted it here. Apologies.
]]>I just installed ‘Contact Form 7’ and created and edited a form nicely. But when my page loads I see at the bottom of the screen (in Firefox)
transferring data from ssl.google-anaytics.com
This transfer lasts from 3 to 12 seconds, so is massively slowing down the load of my page … and I don’t want the feature anyway.
How cam I stop this from happening? I can’t find any setting with the Contact 7 software.
Many thanks for any advice.
Best wishes. David
Ps: I don’t get this problem at all in IE. I haven’t been able to test Chrome yet.
]]>I’m also using a plugin called ‘Hide Related Youtube Videos’ and have left the same question in their forum but alas, no response. Just wondering if I could get any general help here more promptly.
Quick responses would be greatly appreciated!
]]>Problem is I’ve used the ?rel=0 part to the end of my youtube link yet the suggested videos still pop up at the end. How can I switch this off?