Would you be able to provide support on that issue?
]]>My website creates most of its pages on the fly (php and MySQL) based upon the user’s role. I have set it up so that Administrators and Managers (1 level “down” in capability/authority) can switch to a user and its works fine. However, since I create the page on the fly, the “switch back” option does not appear in the footer except for static pages. So to switch back, the user must go to a known static page, go to the footer and select “switch back”. It is not obvious.
I would like to be able to have the “switch back” option appear in a custom menu if an Administrator or Manager has switched to another user. Is this possible?
Thank you in advance.
]]>Since then I’ve noticed sometimes that my permlinks didn’t work. I have to login and set again in the settings of the permalinks how they should appear. So this isn’t stable. Therefore I will switch back to the standard url because I don’t like unstable webites.
Google now lists my posts with nice permalinks, showing the titles of the posts. Switching back will therefore cause some irritation. Will WordPress sort this out by itself or do I have to do something on my own to handle this?
Would it be wise to create a new sitemap after switching back and inform google (webmaster tools) about this?
]]>first of all thanks for that pretty straight forward multi-language-plugin. I installed it yesterday and set up my site, having now two menus for de (German) and en (English) implementet, some of the pages and articles already translated, all tags and categories also.
Here the link to my Website to see how it looks so far.
Everything works fine as long as you are on a page and click to the other flag in the menu. That page stitches to the other language. The menu is switched as well, but it’s out of focus if you hover the items. It will always switch back do German.
The automatic language detection is functioning for the homepage, so when you have en (English) here that’s fine, but then if you click somewhere else you are back to German.
Any chance to fix that?
I’m using Cell as template.
My settings for polylang are the following:
Looking very forward to any tip or trick or changes I have to use to get this final thing done
Thank you very much in advance!
]]>Thanks for creating this handy plugin! I’ve been using it for a while, but I noticed a problem after updating to Version 0.5.2. If I’m logged in as the administrator and select switch off, I’m not able to switch back to the administrator. The switch back link is displayed, but it doesn’t work. Instead, clicking on the link displays this message:
Are you sure you want to do this?
Please try again.
Clicking on the try again link just takes me back to the home page, where the switch back link is displayed. Please let me know if you need any additional information from me to troubleshoot this problem.
Thank you,
Fred Chapman