I think my site using some products which they don’t support, so this error. But the exact reason I don’t know. Please let me know what is the issue and how to fix it quickly.
site link – https://indika-cbd.com/
screenshot – https://prnt.sc/xgVjTHsiaqET
I think my site using some products which they don’t support, so this error. But the exact reason I don’t know. Please let me know what is the issue and how to fix it quickly.
site link – https://indika-cbd.com/
screenshot – https://prnt.sc/xgVjTHsiaqET
I would like to export a list of users and see if they are suspended or not, but it seems the field containing this data is not exported by the plugin. Is it possible to include this field?
]]>Busqué información y encontré este vídeo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgltAcQbuYE
donde indican que Whatsapp está buscando aplicaciones externas que utilicen su información (api) seguramente y suspenden las cuentas. Me parece que esta puede ser una posible razón.
Si alguien me puede ayudar por favor a recuperar la cuenta y qué hacer para que no vuelva a ocurrir (esto último especialmente para los creadores).
]]>The scans take up much memory and cpu resources (no complaints about that though), and can take a long time. So the user should be warned to expect reduced performance experience for their site visitors during a scan.
For this reason, it would be very handy to be able to schedule scanning for off peak.
It would also be handy to be able to suspend the scan, either manually or by schedule.
It might even be possible to let the user save settings for “preferred scan times”, so that when they do a scan in future, then there will be the option to select the “best times” (or run now).
When the scans fail, all data appears to be lost, or made inaccessible.
As a work around, a page refresh in the browser may trigger the scan to continue, but this often starts at an earlier point to where the scan failed.
If a scan fails, then at least be able to see the results that were obtained before the failure.
If a scan fails, it would be handy to have the option to resume that scan (which may not be the next scan that is done after a failure) again. The starting point for the resumed scan, could then be established form the previously saved data from the failed scan.
In any case, allow the user to manually select which plugin, plugins, or “group” of plugins they would specifically like to scan.
It would be handy for user who are several versions of PHP behind, to be able to scan compatibility with the several later versions of PHP, so they could select the best trade-off between compatibility and site function.
So allow the user to select more than one version of PHP to check, and then run the scan for all of them at once.
I would just like to enquire the reason behind the suspension of the Life Cairn Project (www.thelifecairnproject.org) website?
When clicking on the website link, one is immediately redirected to a page that states “Account Suspended.”
]]>There is a problem.
The email is not going to visitors in box.
I have 3.9.1.
I tried email reply only and all comments. I tried different email addresses to test this.
After the comment is posted, under “manage subscriptions” –“suspend” is ticked. I changed it and updated, but it keeps going back to “suspend”. DO you think it is this newest version of wp?
I do not have any cache plugins or jet pack. Thank you. Mary