Basically the problem is that. I created a system of annual subscriptions, in which when they buy a subscription the role of client is changed to gold (for example), having discounts on exclusive products. The problem comes that when making the payment, the role is changed well, but once the role is changed, it does not let me see the price and add to the cart of ANY product on the site.
I imagined that maybe it would be some conflict with some plugin or something. But I check and I can’t find the error.
The plugins that I have installed on roles are:
– PublishPress Capabilities
– Product Visibility by User Role for WooCommerce
– User Role Editor
– WooCommerce Role Based Pricing by Meow Crew
– WooCommerce Role Pricing
– YITH WooCommerce Role Based Prices Premium
– Nav Menu Roles
I have reviewed each one and there is nothing that indicates that the GOLD role cannot see prices or add to cart of the products.
Also did:
– See in the database if indeed the user’s role had been changed, and yes, it was updated correctly.
– Check the capabilities of the GOLD role in the database, and it has the same as the CLIENT role, therefore there should be no error on that side.
– I tried to change the role from “Gold” to “gold” thinking that maybe there could be errors inserting uppercase roles in the database.
– I checked some system files to see if any previous developers made rules in any theme or plugin files, but found nothing.
I don’t know if something similar happened to someone, or knows what it could be, it would help me a lot since it is the only thing that remains for me to solve. Thank you.
]]>If the subscription does not have a trial period, it works correctly.
Request Body: {"customer_id":"WC-xxxxxxx","source":{"paypal":{"usage_type":"MERCHANT"}},"application_context":{"return_url":"https:\/\/\/finalizar-compra\/","cancel_url":"https:\/\/\/finalizar-compra\/?ppcp_vault=cancel"}}
Response Debug ID: 3bee285d388cf
Response: Array
=> 403
[message] => Forbidden
Response Body: {"name":"FORBIDDEN","message":"No permission for the requested operation","debug_id":"3bee285d388cf","details":[{"issue":"UNKNOWN_BUSINESS_ERROR","description":"There was an issue while processing your request."}],"links":[{"href":"","rel":"information_link","method":"GET"}]}
2022-11-16T16:29:20+00:00 ERROR Failed to start PayPal vaulting: [FORBIDDEN] No permission for the requested operation
]]>I’m not sure but I think the plugin is not ready to deal with suscriptions:
I’m using WC Subscriptions and let my customers buy recurrent products by SEPA direct debit. That way, they give their bank info and sign a single mandate (where it says it is a recurrent payment) only ONCE with this awesome plugin.
The problem is that when the renovation arrives, a new order is created (for the new period). Then, when I export the xml file for all the “unpayed orders”, I get the xml, but the mandate number included in the xml is not correct… it provides the {id} of the newly created order instead of the original order’s (parent order) {id}.
That makes me have to go one by one through all the xml files and change the mandate number.
Truth is there is this option in Germanized Sepa payment options:
“Mandate ID Format”
“You may extend the Mandate ID format by adding a prefix and/or suffix. Use {id} as placeholder to insert the automatically generated ID.”
I’m not sure if that options gives place to adjust it so it takes the numbering for the mandate differently, in which case that would be a solution.
Any help will be much appreciated!
]]>I am trying to list all the subscriptions on my website following its doc and I get the following error:
"code": "rest_no_route",
"message": "The path that matches the request's URL and method was not found",
"data": {
"status": 404
I try with wp-json/wc/v1/subscriptions and it work! it will list me but it only lists 9 and I have +40 subscriptions, why doesn’t it list all of them?
]]>I tried your “License Manager for WooCommerce” plugin and it was excellent, it’s very good… But now I need to know which plugin I can combine it with for subscriptions.
That is, I need to manage the licenses added to each single or variable product in woocommerce. That my customers can activate or deactivate their licenses and even renew them.
Is there any tool I can use or combine with your plugin?
Thank you!
Colombia is my blog. The form is visible on the sidebar. It’s not such a cry-for thing, but I’m too perfectionist to let that happen.