]]>I am not using Mailchimp anymore so I tried to suppress “Easy Form for Mailchimp”, but when I do that my site breaks down.
Did you have this problem, and what did you do to solve it?
]]>May you please help me hide these notification errors?
I have all these in my functions.php file but none of them supress the error.
remove_action( 'admin_notices', 'show_update_error' );
remove_action( 'all_admin_notices', 'show_update_error' );
remove_action( 'admin_notices', 'display_admin_notices' );
remove_action( 'all_admin_notices', 'display_admin_notices' );
remove_action( 'admin_notices', 'display_notifications' );
remove_action( 'all_admin_notices', 'display_notifications' );
remove_action( 'admin_notices', 'show_update_details' );
remove_action( 'all_admin_notices', 'show_update_details' );
remove_action( 'admin_notices', 'wpseo_all_admin_notices' );
remove_action( 'all_admin_notices', 'wpseo_all_admin_notices' );
]]>I want to show an add only in my “Sport” category. (The ID of the Sport category is 6).
when I add the select every category in “Suppress ads for specific categories” except the Sport, it isnt working (its shows the banner image in every category post.
The only things which are working perfectly is the checkmarks and the “Suppress ads for specific post/page IDs”
I want to create an only sport banner in sports posts. But its appearing everywhere. Please help me.
Thanks in advance!
]]>Current work around:
In: /var/www/tech_wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-rss-multi-importer/inc/rss_multi_importer_widget.php
if (!isset($myarray) || empty($myarray)){return _e(“There is a problem with the feeds you entered. Go to our support page and we’ll help you diagnose the problem.”, ‘wp-rss-multi-importer’);
if (!isset($myarray) || empty($myarray)){
$myarray = array();
//return _e(“There is a problem with the feeds you entered. Go to our support page and we’ll help you diagnose the problem.”, ‘wp-rss-multi-importer’);
Thanks for creating this. It is great!
]]>Is there a way to suppress the related post output on the events posts? Thanks!
]]>I have searched all through the forums and the web in general but am really struggling to find the solution to my problem…
I basically want a widget to show up in the posts for one certain category ( or on all single posts; it doesn’t matter as I only have sidebars for posts in on one category), AND ALSO to suppress this widget for a certain post AND to supress it for my category archive page (which being the only one, is all of archive pages)
so basically i want to combine in_category(‘Y’) with !is_single(‘X’) with !is_archive()
or (as the only single posts with sidebars are in one category) then I guess – is_single() with !is_single(‘X’) with !is_archive() – should also work.
HOWEVER i can’t do it! I have tried playing around with || and && but with no luck.
I tried experimenting with more complete PHP using elseif, but i don’t know PHP at all, and couldnt get it to work.
Any ideas how I can make this happen?
Thank you!