I’m developing a Gutenberg block that supports “color” inside the block.json
file. Right now supports color for text, background, and link.
Now, I need another value to apply color for an icon.
This is what I’m trying to achieve:
Is there a way to do it? Like, the component has a filter to add more items or something like that.
]]>I’m developing a Gutenberg block that supports “color” inside the block.json
file. Right now supports color for text, background, and link.
Now, I need another value to apply color for an icon.
This is what I’m trying to achieve:
Is there a way to do it? Like, the component has a filter to add more items or something like that.
]]>How does one specify whether or not a block control is shown in the block settings sidebar?
For example;
– We have a custom block with block.json that has supports ‘backgroundColor’ set to true.
– We have not preset any attribute (leave it to user).
– When the block is selected, the controls are hidden under the + sign in the block settings sidebar, can be enabled, and a color can be picked.
However, when we select a core/paragraph block for example. The background color module in the block settings is already opened, even thought no color is preselected.
I was hoping to get some feedback on how to get the controls ready and available on the block, without having to press the + first.
I have a terribly hard time finding it in the docs, or trying to figure it out from reading the paragraph code.
]]>But this invalidates all existing blocks, which is an absolute no go.
Is there a way to add those core block classes without invalidating existing blocks?
]]>If you use versions below 4.0.0 you will have error:
WARNING: API no longer supports versions of CF GeoPlugin below version 4.0.0. Please update your current version of CF GeoPlugin.
what it means that your plugin is out of date and unsupported.
You just need to update CF GeoPlugin and all will work properly.
'supports' => array( 'title', 'editor', 'thumbnail', 'revisions' ),
For some reason, the posts have the discussion and comment meta boxes in the editor even though they shouldn’t. I even tried using the ‘remove_post_type_support’ hook to remove comment support to no avail. I already tried testing the twenty-sixteen theme. I have no idea how this is possible. Any ideas? Thanks for any help!
]]>My question is in regards to Custom “Supports” for custom post types.
Site: www.tec21connect.com
WP: 4.2.7
Theme: Impreza (1.11.2)
My goal is to use a custom support (Title Bar Settings) that is available when editing a “Page”. See photo here.
I’ve created a new custom post type named Agenda but cannot access that particular custom support feature. Here is what shows in my Agenda page editor.
How do I determine what I need to add to this field to get that support to show up for my Agenda custom post type?
Thank you in advance for the help!
]]>I use your plugin a lot with the Advanced Custom Fields, which gives control over which fields are editable / viewable with a CPT. I’ve noticed recently that sometimes I’m unable to get a basic field — like featured image, order, author, etc. — to show up, even if in the ACF settings I’ve said they should be visible.
I got a tip via a question another plugin author asked me (about a separate, but I’m thinking perhaps the same issue here) about how I was adding the CPTs and what settings were associated with them. This lead me to look into the settings in your plugin and, voila, way down at the bottom there’s that “Supports” section, which lists all of those basic fields I’ve been having trouble with.
So, I try it out. I’ve got a CPT called project-album and I want to use the Featured Image field, although I’d originally left it out. In ACF I tell it to show that field… and in the CPT settings I check it in the “Supports” section. However, still no go; there’s no Featured Image in my Project Album add/edit views. (And it’s not hiding in the Screen Options, either.)
Any idea what I might be missing here? Thanks!
]]>Can you tell me please is this plugin supports multilingual usage. I have tried to find any .po/.mo files in order to translate it, but did not find any. Thanks!
I think that inc-options/write_cp_options.php should validate that CPT may not have ‘features’ defined.
WP 3.9.2
Adminimize 1.8.4
PHP 5.5.3-1 ubuntu