Using OceanWP and woocommerce, the default tag for suggested products (at the bottom of the description) in woocommerce shop page appears to be “h2”. Is it possibly to simply wrap “the title” of each suggested product with h3 tags instead ? Also, I would like to know if I change the h2 tag of the title “Suggested products” to h3 as well ?
]]>I wish someone could take over this plugin because it is truly exceptional. We just need some solid sources for suggested tags.
]]>I added &rel=0 to the end of a video link but the related videos still show.
]]>Any way of doing this?
[ No bumping please. ]
]]>So if some lines are changed, this problem is avoided.
Below is my modification to correct this problem.
on line 308 of version 2.4 of the plugin, where it is found:
$new_filename = urldecode( basename( get_permalink( $post_id ) ) ) . $image_extension;
switch to:
$new_filename = urldecode( basename( get_permalink( $post_id ) ) );
$new_filename = strtolower( sanitize_title( substr( $new_filename, 0, 16 ) ) ) . $image_extension;
this way the name is created, but with the character limit, which prevents the file is with a very long name, solving the problem.
In addition also corrects unwanted characters clearing the name of things like @ ( ) and uppercase letters.
I would like to see this fix in a future version and I hope I helped in some way.