The shipping cost’s tax is being added to the products’s subtotal when the “add taxes” option is enabled for the “show shipping” field. It doesn’t make sense adding up these two amounts since they are different things (furthermore, the shipping cost is shown tax included anyway, and even it is considered in the “show taxes” field). Another issue you should investigate is this: You have the “add taxes” option for the “show subtotal” field too. This option is related to the “add taxes” option from the “show shipping” field in the following way: the same combination of the two will give you different outpputs depending on what option you changed last. Well, You may want to investigate this whole section.
Kind regards and keep up with the great work.
I have created 2 shipping zones, 1 for subtotal under $100 and one for subtotal over 100
I then created 2 conditional shipping items, 1st for shipping zone 1 for the under 100 and then a 2nd for shipping zone 2 for the over 100 subtotal
However, on the front end, it is only enabling the under 100, if it is over 100 it does the usual shipping calculated …
I have checked the actions and applied the enable methods for each one, e.g. enable shipping methods > Flat Rate Under 100 (shipping method)
What am I doing wrong please, I have checked everything is enabled for this plugin shipping
]]>You can reproduce this by going to
add more than qty 6 to the cart (discount rule is qty 6 or above)
Go to cart-page (
The subtotal is not correct. Above 10 qty the subtotal is negative.
Before the latest update the subtotals where correct.
]]>Fist of all I must say that the plugin is very nice! I really love it.
Out of the blue after adding some CSS the cart didn’t show the subtotal price anymore.
I removed all CSS
Uninstalles the plugin
I cleared the cache via ftp
And more…
But still its not showing anymore.
Are you able to help me with fixing this?
.cart-subtotal {
I’m trying to do the same with the recurring totals rows but is not working. Hope you can help me
]]>It is working in IE.
My development url is
Any direction would be much appreciated