Is anyone else seeing this behavior and/or have an idea on how to fix it? TYIA
Version: You are using FeedWordPress version 2022.0222.
Hosting Environment:
WordPress: version 6.0.1
SimplePie: version 1.5.8
PHP: version 7.3.2
]]>Where can I see who subscribed to my coming soon page using this plugin?
I cannot find how to do this.
– A Popup Maker popup with a funnel Groundhogg’s Webform is displayed on AutoOpen my site’s Home page.
– The user registers name and email and clicks the Submit button. At this points, the user is not yet a Confirmed subscriber, as per Groundhogg funnel the next step will be sending the user a confirmation email with a confirmation link.
– Once the user clicks on the link, he is automatically tagged by Groundhogg as Confirmed.
I’d like to use this tag to stop showing the subscribe popup to a ‘Confirmed’ user in Groundhogg CRM system. Why?
– Because it doesn’t make sense to set the associated trigger cookie to let’s say 1 year if i do not know if the user has confirmed his subscription yet. Also because i don’t want to show a ‘Confirmed’ user the popup again after 1 year.
So the question is obvious:
“How do I do to use this Confirmed tag in GH to stope the Subscribe popup being sent?
(this way, the popup won’t show even if the user cleans his cookies, because the popup will know that the one accessing is a Subscribed user somehow).
I hope my explanation makes sense.
]]>Now later when I did a resync, it re-added all previous customers and this time added them as Subscribed.
This seems like a massive glitch? Now I have to manually select them all to re-archive them because I don’t want to send newsletters to people who didn’t actually opt-in.
After the first sync I switched to using MC4Wp. I reactivated the Mailchimp plugin to do a resync so that it imported my new products, but then all this happened.
]]>Customers are being added to the Mailchimp list, but there profile does not show as “Subscribed” in the mailchimp list in the Email marketing column, and in their profile they show as “This person is only eligible for transactional emails.”
so the plugin is not successfully signing them up as user who are officially elligle to receive our newsletter.
Any ideas?
]]>i’m using this plugins with theme my login.
how to put checkbox on profile page?
if user uncheck it, it will be unsubscribed, if people check it again, he will subscribed in mailing list.