Does Goodbye-Captcha work with Subscriber plugin by Bestwebsoft?
Many Thanks
]]>I use the plugin for all my 8 websites, no problems.
But how can a subscriber change his/her own email address?
I want to put a link in the emails send by Newsletter.
(for example next to the “unsubscribe-link”)
]]>I am looking for what the roles are allowed to do, what you don’t want someone to do, etc.
I am interested in all classes, Author, Subscriber, Editor, Contributor, (Admin is pretty much self explanatory)
]]>I have quick question. I have a blog setup and i give my visitors the options to subscribe to my blog. Now I have added the txt “Welcome Subscriber” at the top of my blog by editing the template.
But what php coding could I use so that only registered subscribers can only see that message and only when they are logged in? Can this be done using php coding?