I am in the process of making a membership site and I was wondering if this software allows a member of the site to be able to login to site b? So when a member signs up they can access a different domain and login there as well.
Just trying to make it easier for the member. I have read you can import a CSV file with users names, but can I install the plugin on 1 main domain and 3 different sub-domains, and have the member become a member of each one and be able to sign in without signing up again for each sun-domain?
Any help would be great,
Kind regards,
]]>I am seeing this message, “You are currently running the Wordfence Web Application Firewall from another WordPress installation”. I am using shared hosting and I have noticed an uptick in Block messages, etc, so I looked to see how I could increase my security settings. I hadn’t noticed this status message before and I don’t particularly recognize the wordfence-waf.php pathname. When is/was this file created?
Thank you,
I have a question regarding the plugin.
For one of our clients we would like te implement Google Shopping to sell the products and we would like to use your plugin to provide the product feed. While we have great succes with the plugin in other cases, we have run in to a bit of trouble for with this perticular case.
We have made a setup of the plugin like we always do and after a quick debug the feed is up and running. But after a few days the feed breaks and the shopping ads will stop as a result of this. When you try to view the feed data, all the products are gone, but a red error seems to pop up. (someone deleted the feed, so we can’t post it at this moment.)
– We run the free version of the plugin;
– The site has sub-domains in different languages;
– Some product on the site have product variations.
Do you have any idea?
Thank you in advance.
]]>Alex Furr
]]>Je rencontre le problème suivant :
J’ai installé polylang sur le site de mon client. Nous souhaitons avec les langues sur différents domaines, comme suit:
– https://david-kennedy.uk
– https://david-kennedy.es
– https://david-kennedy.fr ( langue principale
Mais j’ai un message d’erreur quand je sauvegarde les réglages, il m’est indiqué que les urls ne sont pas valides.
Je suis sur OVH et nous avons enregistré tout les noms de domaines.
Quand je bascule en adresse répertoire /en par exemple, tout fonctionne.
D’où peut provenir ce bug ?
]]>What should I do to add them:
– do nothing and let Google find them
– manually add each one to the setting page of your plugin
– or ….???
Thanks for any advices!
Roger Pilon
The Planet Fixer Digest
If I have a portfolio site, like “me.com”,
and then make some additional WP installs for individual projects in sub-directories:
How would you set that up?
* Install GADWP on each site?
* Use a different GA property for each one?
* Or just use 1 GA for the whole me.com?
]]>My site working on multi-language with multi-domain so this plugin is working on multi domain site?