We need to change a billing address. Unfortunately nobody reacts to our support requests. Therefore, I am writing to you directly.
If the billing address has been changed, please issue a new invoice.
When changing a plan, it was unfortunately debited twice. It’s all very annoying.
Please contact me as soon as you read this, and we will clarify it quickly.
Ticket: BDK-725-45370
INVOICE # 1410897
Shrink The Web, Inc.
FINE # 61-1613622
2774 Cobb Pkwy NW
Suite 109-244
Kennesaw, GA 30152 USA
In the plugin file “stw_settings_class.inc.php” I can see the term ’embedded_pro_custom_resolution’ among the other PRO features, but I don’t find anywhere to insert my values for this… Am I missing something?
I made my own shortcode for STW, but this does not download the thumbs to my site – it only makes the full STW code easier to include, and I would really like to be able to use yourplugin instead…
]]>Please help us out here
]]>hopefully my last post for the next weeks
I have a project with a YouTube Video, and STW nonPLUS activated.
When I clicked the thumbnail from YT the video is played in a thickbox (great!) but there is always the error message from stw “Unable to retrieve thumbnail from ShrinkTheWeb.com”
Any chance to get this away?
Greets, pattyland
]]>I would like to suggest a website thumbnail plugin that is very simple to use and uses ShrinkTheWeb, which allows for the most free website preview requests per month (i.e. completely free for 99% of all users).
The plugin page is here:
The actual wordpress plugin is here:
This is one plugin that should definitely be considered by WordPress for hosting and announcement, etc.
Thank you for your time and a wonderful blog software!