<?php the_permalink(); ?>&title=<?php the_title(); ?>
for the stumble link. It creates a submit request at stumbleupon.
Now, when I try to duplicate this, at Rothmania, the social widget will not save the code, it truncates it.
Is there a suggest code to use for Stumble Upon? Ideally, it would ‘submit’ the page being read just then.
]]>These text links are on my homepage and also on my permalink pages. How can I make these links into social media links for Twitter, Facebook and Stumble? The plugins focus on image links only. If, for example, someone wants to share my recent post on Twitter, and they click the link, how do I ensure they can do this without any problems?
Any suggestions? Thank you!!
]]>Here’s the blog:
Try stumbling a post from a single post link. This is NOT some insane ploy to get people to stumble my site. I am in need of real help.
Thanks in advance!
]]>I see them on other websites but can’t figure out how to add them to mine.
]]>How can I get the, reddit, stumbleupon and furl buttons next to my digg button, to line up across the end of each post?
Why must I have the little question mark next to my digg button?
Thanks for the help. I appreciate your time.
]]>here is my single.php
anyone can fix for me plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
<?php get_header(); ?><div id="post"><?php if(have_posts()) : ?><script src="<?php the_permalink() ?>" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script><?php while(have_posts()) : the_post(); ?><div class="post-meta" id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>"><h1><?php the_title(); ?></h1><div class="author">posted by <?php the_author_posts_link(); ?> in <?php the_time('F jS, Y') ?> <?php edit_post_link(__(' Edit'), '|', ''); ?></div><div class="post-cat">in <?php the_category(', ') ?> <?php if(function_exists("UTW_ShowTagsForCurrentPost")) : ?><?php UTW_ShowTagsForCurrentPost("commalist", array('last'=>' and %taglink%', 'first'=>'Tags: %taglink%',)) ?><?php else : ?><?php if(function_exists("the_tags")) : ?><?php the_tags() ?><?php endif; ?><?php endif; ?></div><div class="post-content"><?php the_content("Continue reading →"); ?></div><?php get_social(); ?>