My blog is stuck in Maintenance mode. I have tried to select the “off” option but it remains on. How do I fix it?
I thank you for your time!
Landon Clary Eason
]]>Since this last WP update when I update multiple plugins my site goes into maintenance mode and stays there. I have to delete the maintenance file. Updating the plugins one at a time is the only way I can update them.
Don’t have that issue with, theme is 2014.
Does happen in theme is 2014.
Does not matter which plugins, happens when I do a batch update. Different plugins every time.
Not sure what help I could use. Won’t try the multiple update for plugins again, unless this is a bug? Is that where I need to post this?
Thank you.
]]>It goes through with the upgrade past the point where it enabled Maintenance mode and freezes and stops at the ‘Updating Plugin’ section.
Now my site is down. I can’t get into the FTP or the site code because I don’t have the right credentials or software to get to it.
Please help. I’m tearing my hair out.