]]>I am following tutorial: “Creating a points type”, section 4, and have used the shortcode [gamipress_points_types current_user=”yes” type=”pew-star”] on the profile page (also tried [gamipress_points_types type=”pew-star”] . “pew-star” is my points type.
There are 15 ways that users can be credited with a point, however when a user does one of the ways, all 15 ways receive a strikethrough, rather than just the one that they have completed.
The points are updating correctly, so it is just the strikethroughs that are the issue.
I have also tried it with the shortcode: [gamipress_achievements current user=”yes” type=”daily-quest-trophy”] having created the 15 steps, marking each step as required but the same thing happens. All steps receive a strikethrough after completing 1 step.
How do I fix this so that the user receives 1 strikethrough for each point type or each achievement step that they do?
Many thanks, as always, in advance,
WordPress > Settings > Broken Link Checker > General
Link tweaks: [√] Apply custom formatting to broken links
.broken_link, a.broken_link { text-decoration: line-through; }
REASON: In CSS more specific selectors (i.e. Astra Themes “.ast-single-post .entry-content a”) take precedence over less specific selectors like the ones Broken Link Checker creates for broken links i.e. “.broken_link, a.broken_link”.
SOLUTION: You give the “Broken Link Checkers” CSS attribute an !important
suffix. It works. Your broken link gets rendered as strikethrough text.
NOTE: In CSS !important
shall usually be only the last resort, as it usually is equivalent to “I do not know how the cascade works in this case (or in general) so I just shout over it”. I concluded that the broken link class can hardly be more specific/deep (unless artificially maybe?) hence we need to resort to !important.
I have been using this plugin for quite some time, but only now I noticed one thing (maybe due to some update, I haven’t noticed this behavior before):
The discount is applied only when any 9 products of the same category are in cart. Base price is 2.50 Euro, discounted price is 2.00 Euro (20% discount then).
So, I have my cart empty, and I’m browsing the store in the category with the eligible products. ALL of them have the price displaying 2.00 Eur with the original 2.50 Eur price in strikethrough text.
Is there a way to disable this? If much, this discount should only be visible when the customer already mets the discount conditions (in this case, having at least 9 items of this category in the cart).
Many thanks!
]]>any css trick or something to force it?
]]>And have the regular price in RED color and the discounted in GREEN color a with a larger font ?
If not, is theer a way you can integrate this for a future release?
Thank you.
]]>I am having an issue with horizontal line, strikethrough etc. adding in Qualification and this is for all the editors.
When I add Horizontal line, Strikethrough, BLockquotes, Read more tag to content and update the Job, then it will get removed. This is happening for all the editors.
Can you please check and let me know the solution for this?
]]>However for some reason on V2. it shows the original price with the strikeout twice on all the products & category pages. It didn’t do this with V1. of the plugin, so I am not sure what is happening.
I did try to adjust the settings including setting the matching rules, suppressing other plugins, selecting and deselecting all the strikethrough options, strikethrough show when rules, etc. Nothing is working.
Please can you assist.