Got another issue I’m trying to resolve. I’m working on this site and trying to load in an HLS stream using the AMP Media Player. It seems as if the combination of Autoptimize, ASYNC JS, and the CriticalCSS add-on are affecting playback of the player. I’m not 100% sure which combination of them is affecting playback and wanted to know what you suggest keeping on and turning off. Or, what should I exclude to ensure the AMP player plays on mobile devices? It will play on desktop, but not on mobile when the three plugins are active. When I turn them off and refresh, the player plays for a little bit in mobile, but then reverts back to freezing. Do you have any suggestions?
]]>So im currently redesigning my website and decided to go with wordpress for the first time. I am running phpBB3 along side it using the forum bridge so users share the same login.
There are a few feature i need to run on my site for a better experience. I was planning on using buddypress, that way i can give certain users permission to do certain things?
im after feedback on what plugins are out there that are close to my needs, i have searched on themeforest too
Simple system with features to have main/ sub categories, can select which users can add/ delete files.
Has main categories/ sub categories, with image covers. Can select which users can upload/ delete pictures
Has main categories/ sub categories, with image covers. Able to add videos straight from youtube and certain members can upload there own videos, choose from which members can create/ delete videos.
-Live Streams-
Allows me to add/ display the feeds to members Twitch account.
Monthly calendar, allows certain members to add an event. Allows certain members to apply and say if they are attending the event, this will display current attending members.
Event details should include something similar too;Title displayed on calendar, Main tile, Information, Start/ finish, time/date, Link to forum post, Server, Game, count down timer
thanks for your time and any input
]]>I am currently managing a website for a RuneScape clan, we would like to host multiple live streams, but currently there can only be one configured at a time.
Thank you for your wonderful plugin and support!
]]>I know there is a separate Buddypress-forum, but it seems to be kinda slow there.
I can’t belive how hard it is to understand how to merge the activity-streams.
I want to merge my personal with my friends, mentions and favorites. So, pretty much like the facebook-wall.
Anyone knows how to do this?
]]>We’re looking for a way to display all posts (or just post titles and URLs) filed under a specific tag within a Page.
For example, we’re creating a page about Turtles. We’re going to have some static information about Turtles at the top of this page, and under it we want a dynamic stream of posts related to our Turtles tag to show up on this page under the static information.
Is something like this possible through a plugin, or a HTML code?
I’ve searched and have been unable to find anything like it.
Thanks in advance for your help.
]]>I am attempting to set up a site where users can do the following
– Register as user
– Register a band/artist and by doing that get a band/artist profile page
– Allowing users to upload mp3 files, and pictures to there band/artist profile page
– Allowing users to become fans of other bands/artists
– rating artist/band capabilities
– Display of latest activity in some widgets
– calendar support for artists/bands (to add gigs, etc)
– blog support for the artists
– comment support for uploaded content
– inline mp3 player
This are some of the basic features that my site will need to support, does anyone have any suggestions on how to set his up?
I’m pretty sure that there are some plugins that will allow all of the above, however I have a hard time finding any information on it as most of the threads posted about this has been unanswered.
Btw: I have tried to achieve this with BuddyPress and had some success, but I would really love to accomplish this in a pure WordPress site rather than in BuddyPress..
Hoping for some answers, and thank you
Can anyone else confirm this? If it were just a single machine, I’d think it was user error.
]]>Are there any ideas?
]]>The following warning keeps appearing on all pages (including admin ones):
Warning: fopen() has been disabled for security reasons in D:\www\\htdocs\wp-includes\streams.php on line 149
I have disabled all plugins but as you can see here the problem did not go away and I have no idea where to start to find out what the problem is.
Thanks for your help