<?php echo do_shortcode(‘[events_list scope=”future” orderby=”event_start_date” order=”ASC” limit=”10″ pagination=”1″]’); ?>
Am I missing a very simple solution here?
]]>Thank you
]]>I can certainly add the time manually to the title, but:
1. There’s a chance that with later edits, if the event is moved, the time shown in the title might not match the actual event start time.
2. If the time in the title were put there via a template or filter, it could be styled differently from the rest of the title, say in bold or in another color.
3. There could also be a user setting for what to put there for all-day events, defaulting to an empty string.
If such a setting already exists, can you point me to the documentation? Much thanks for what I think is the best calendar plugin out there.
We have received your registration for {event-title}
Date: {event-date}
Event Venue: {venue}
Event Time: {start_time} – {end_time}
]]>The start time option on the Youtube video changed the video id to “G7z74BvLWUg?t=27”
so that the video starts 0:27 second in. However, this ID is not working. Is there something else I can do to make the new ID work?