This is the text I need to change:
Access to “Product Name 2” is restricted only to verified owners of or (REMOVE “or”) “Product Name 1”. Alternatively, access to this item will be granted after adding (REMOVE “a or”) a or “Product Name 1” to the cart.(CHANGE “cart” to “order”)
]]> <?php get_template_part( ‘no results’, ‘search’ ); ?>
the ‘no result’ part is what I believe is wrong.
Can anyone help me?
(link to the picture: )
I need several (about 3-4) different signatures or other small standard texts at the bottom of my posts that I can add to my text. WP signature only lets me add one.
I have to be able to add one or more or none at all.
I am using it for disclaimers such as “this is a sponsored post…”, “this post contains affiliate links…” etc. At the moment I am only able to use one, and it would be a tremendous help with a plugin that could let me choose between different standard texts at the bottom of the post.
]]>I cannot remove it nor find how to change it.
Can someone enlighten me on this subject.
Thanx in advance.