With StackPath recently announcing the end of their CDN service, which CDN will you be recommending?
]]>Note that since I am using the plugin to send all content to the CDN, I did not update DNS with A or CNAME records to Stackpath.
I’d appreciate knowing what the issue is and how to fix it. Thanks.
]]>When users try to login, they need to do it Twice. And after login, when go to the premium access they cant because ask for login again. Is like, the page is in cache but if they don’t purge (clear the browser cache) manually cant enter to any premium access because think is not login.
– I enable don’t cache any roles users (Not working)
– I add the root to Specify Pages to don’t cache (not working)
– I always have to purge manually in Stackpath website to make work the website. (Like login>go to stackpath purge cache> and the go to my website and access to pages
Any help?
]]>– Visit the site in chrome, do a view source, search for inbenta – open the js file in a new window
– Visit ths site in a chrome incognito window, do a view source, search for inbenta – open the js file in a new window
The strange issue here that we’re seeing two different versions of the JS file, specifically:
(The …?ver=08b8b one is the incorrect / out-dated file.)
The issue resolves (the 2nd file disappears) when the Litespeed cache plugin is deactivated. (At the moment, the plugin has been deactivated. That’s not the permanent solution, of course.) We tried manually “purging everything” in both Litespeed cache and in the Stackpath dashboard.
]]> We have a multisite wordpress environment set up which consists of a US site:
and a Canadian site:
The Canadian site is multilingual and the French version is here:
We were able to successfully setup the US site with our Stackpath CDN (and can confirm it’s working by checking “view source”). However, we are unable to get it to work with our Canada site (different stackpath CDN url than the US site, of course). The CDN url is confirmed to be working correctly when you hit it directly. We are using WPML for translation. I’m not sure what the issue is or how to fix it.
Please advise. Thank you.
]]>CRFT Verification Failed
www.guatsp.org is using a security service for protection against online attacks. An action has triggered the server and blocked your request.
Please try again in a few minutes. If the issue persists, please contact the site owner for further assistance.
I contacted our web hosting company with this issue. Their first action was to whitelist all PayPal IPs shown at https://www.paypal.com/us/smarthelp/article/what-are-the-ip-addresses-for-live-paypal-servers-ts1056. I’m not sure that made a difference as some donors (but not all) continued to get the error.
I then contacted PayPal support with this message:
Our website at guatsp.org uses WordPress with a Give plugin that allows users to make donations with PayPal. We recently installed a StackPath web applicaetion firewall. Some users (but not all) are making donations at get a message back from StackPath saying that their request didn’t complete. They get error messages like the one attached. This all used to work before adding StackPath. Some users do not get the error. Those that get the error are sometimes charged once and sometimes charged twice. Our web hosting company whitelisted in StackPath all the IP addresses listed at https://www.paypal.com/us/smarthelp/article/what-are-the-ip-addresses-for-live-paypal-servers-ts1056. But, some donors are still reporting this error. Please advise on how this can be corrected. The page where this is happening is https://www.guatsp.org/backyard-school/. There are other pages on the site that use PayPal payments with and without the Give plugin.
After waiting two days, their response was:
Thanks for contacting PayPal,
I am sorry to hear that,
Unfortunately, this is not a PayPal issue.
Would you mind checking with your developer? Or maybe try to upgrade your browsers?
Following the links in their response suggested a problem with the GiveWP plugin, and our host is suggesting this, too. We got a license of the plugin by purchasing the Alone theme from https://themeforest.net/item/alone-charity-multipurpose-nonprofit-wordpress-theme/15019939. So, I don’t know whether I should ask here, the GiveWP site or the theme vendor.
This is really frustrating. Donors don’t know whether their donations completed. Some are getting charged twice and notifying us, then we have to undo all that. Some visitors have no problem. We can’t reproduce the problem. Solving this shouldn’t take several hours of fruitless research, finger-pointing and days of waiting for answers.
Please advise on how to resolve this.
Thank you.
]]>I have read the answer to a similar topic where the answer was to disable html minify in Autoptimize (Disable “Optimize html-code”). But when I do that some minor pictures on some pages and the favicon on some pages also disappears, plus the background images are still gone.
Any ideas what I can do to get it all back again?
Tnx /Ulf
I’ve been trying to make sure that any videos hosted in the media library are also included with the files on the CDN. For some reason every other file works, but not videos.
in Performance -> CDN i have:
wp-includes file types to upload: *.css;*.js;*.gif;*.png;*.jpg;*.xml
Theme file types to upload: *.css;*.js;*.gif;*.png;*.jpg;*.ico;*.ttf;*.otf,*.woff,*.less,*.svg,*.eot,*.json,*.mp4,*.m4a,*.m4v,*.mov
I’ve even added a few entries into “custom file list”:
Its a multi-site setup, so the files are in uploads/sites/x/etc
Any advice?
Thanks for your help
]]>I have just spent most of the morning trying to intergrate CDN
I have used the W3 Total Cache plugin.
I have followed these steps
And I can see that CDN is referenced in my page source code
So looks like it has been configured ok (and this is the month free trial).
My page speeed was 3.6 secs and now its 3.4. Seems negligible for all the work.
I am trying everything I can read about to get the speed improved but nothing is working.
Unless …..do I have to wait for a while for the CDN to work?
Slowly but surely losing patience with the whole process!