I’m using AWS Lightsail and WordPress by Bitnami.
after installing really simple ssl, it show wp-config.php is not writeable, I changed the file permissions which is set to 640 by Bitnami to 644 but it still not working.
I tried more permissions and I found that Really simple ssl requires wp-config.php to be 664 or above.
I don’t know how to fix this problem, should I set wp-config.php permissions to 664 although it should be 644 According to WordPress – or 640 according to Bitnami?
2nd question: is this healthy to set it to 664 ??
]]>I know it is not a direct WordPress problem but I would be very grateful if someone has some tips that help me to install the certificate on the server.
]]>Redirecting from http to https is done automatically on the whole site, but this does not happen on the gallery page.
If you type “medyaakademi.com.tr/arsiv” you get the following error.
“Failed to load resource: The network connection was lost. Let’s try again?”
How can I solve this?
By the way, we use the plugin called “Realy Simple SSL” for https redirection on the site. I also edited the .htaccess file.
I would be glad if you can help.
]]>I have tried all possible http to https redirect code in .htaccess file but nothing worked. I have tried clearing website cache, browser cache but no result.
Finally I removed redirect code from .htaccess file and added my site url with https in wp-config file. See the code below..
define( ‘WP_HOME’, ‘https://example.com’ );
define( ‘WP_SITEURL’, ‘https://example.com’ );
$_SERVER[“HTTPS”] = “on”;
After adding above 3 lines my site is working but problem is only https://example.com not redirecting to https://example.com. Otherwise everything redirecting to https://example.com.
My website is www.digitalpromit.com
Please solve this problem.
]]>“An image with an insecure url of “https://wensolutions.com/travel-log-demo/wp-content/uploads/sites/14/2017/10/hiking-1385937_1920-1-2.jpg” was loaded on line: 1350 of https://www.etatravelandtours.com/trip-type/road-trip-packages/?view_mode=grid.
This URL will need to be updated to use a secure URL for your padlock to return”
May I ask where to find it to replace that background image or please advice if it is possible to customize from customize menu?
I was really trying to find it manually in css but couldn’t.
Your kind help will be much appreciated.
I had a SSL problem on my website, barred cadena, not in page or category, but only in article.
And no problem when i’m connected to my website, it’s only for visitor.
After hours losing for find responsible plugin, i discover it’s jetpack.
I have 2 website with this problem, and i resolved it:
just disconnect and reconnect jetpack and it’s ok.
I think you must alert your user about that or correct it.
]]>The problem appears to be with so called mixed content, where some images on the site have a URL ref to http instead of https.
I tried using the plugin “SSL Insecure Content Fixer”. The plugin partially fix the problem so the site turns “secured” in the browsers, but the images causing this issue is no longer visible on the site, and not even in the media center in the admin menu.
I’d appreciate any suggestions on how to fix this issue. Thanks.
]]>The site was recently upgraded to use SSL/https, and since then the links sent by the password reset function do not work – the site comes back with a message to say that one needs to login first!!
Is this a known problem, and is a fix available or on the way?