Shortcodes does not work in classic menu. (as in photo).
]]>The location ability was supposedly placed on the roadmap 3 years ago
Any info? Thanks
Updating Plugin SportsPress Pro (4/6)
Downloading update from…
An error occurred while updating SportsPress Pro: Download failed. Unauthorized
]]>Please advise how to fix
]]>I’m currently running a website for an athletic association composed of multiple leagues from multiple schools with the free version of SportsPress. I realized that I was unable to create separate calendars for each league.
Ex: I’d like to make a 7-on-7 Football calendar solely on its own. If another league such as volleyball falls on the same day as a football game, the volleyball event will be automatically placed into the Football calendar.
From other topic forums, I’ve learned that the only way to display multi-league calendars is to upgrade to SportsPro Press League License.
My main concern about this upgrade is how the multisite feature works? Are there demos of this upgrade that displays multiple leagues? I’d love to view this before purchasing please.
Any help is much appreciated! Thanks!
]]>I would like to upgrade to Sportspress pro but your website says your certificate has expired?
You probrably know this. Can you let me know when this will be fixed?
Need to purchase Pro urgently.
]]>This way, the referees we hire can take a look at the calendar and know what games are assigned to them.
]]>With that being said, can the free version be safely deleted if the pro version is activated?
If not then correct me, I ask this due to my basic knowledge (I’m no expert on plugins and website development) that all CSS and JS is loaded on each page from all inactive and active plugins.
]]>-Does the Pro version have any additional features/functions/mechanisms/tools for generating individual team calendars without having to manually create a separate calendar for each team?
Thanks for any info.
Another issue I’m getting is anytime I go to edit or publish an event, this notice is displayed in the scorecard box:
Notice: Undefined variable: i in /var/www/volumes/xvdg6/vhosts/ on line 32
Like I mentioned before, I updated the pro version of my plugin this past week and this occurred.