I’ve created a page with some virtual tours on. However, some are not loading properly. There are no specific culprits as it seems to alter each time.
How do I fix this issue?
]]>So last night I posted on my wordpress blog (marla.schevker.com/blog) and this morning I can’t access it at all. I can’t get to my login screen, I can’t get to my blog posts, I can’t get to my pages. I have NO idea what to do.. I tried reading other blogs with the similar errors and all I seem to find is solutions that take place once you’ve reached the admin page, which I cannot do.
Can someone help me please?
Thank you a million times over.
]]>My first thought was that someone had compromised the access and somehow reset the MySQL db and I needed to do some sort of recovery from a non-up-to-date backup. While despairing for the lost Sunday afternoon that this would entail I by chance browsed to https://roddo.net/wordpress/wp-admin/upgrade.php to see what would happen. The message was that “No Upgrade Required, Your WordPress database is already up-to-date!” and that I could click “Continue” which I did, at which point the blog came back as it had been before with the exception of having multiple “About” pages, each with the default text, all created a couple of days ago.
I’m hoping someone could suggest possible reasons for this having happened, and specifically whether I’ve done something or failed to do something that has left my blog open to exploit or unauthorised meddling.
]]>So I set up a website with WordPress, and started blogging on it. This morning I noticed that feedreaders are choking on the original blog feed URL. It turns out that the blog post feed url used to be:
And now it has spontaneously changed to:
How did this happen? And, how do I change it back?
All I can figure is that I was fiddling around with different themes yesterday, and one of them must have changed the feed URLs (the comment feed URL changed similarly). Since this change is robust to (current) theme changes, though, I’m presuming the database got tweaked.
Thanks in advance for any help…
Sam Wise
sam “at” sortingoutscience “dot” net
[sig moderated]
Is there a bug somewhere, should I worry that someone has access to my installation?