I am obviously getting something wrong.
Would be glad if anyone could help me with having this sorted out, manually.
]]>Finished a site with a fresh install and new theme and migrated the users.
The problem is there was one user account used for 15 000 posts.
Does that not slow the site down?
Also in the drop down for users when visible there are two users for the same account. When something is published with that account it links to /author/wpconverter profile. It’s not the name of the user so assume it’s go to do with the migration.
How do I fix so that it points to the correct user profile?
Also, if needed how do I split the posts to multiple user accounts?
Thank you in advance for your help!
]]>I have more than 50,000 posts of the same category, uploaded on the same day.
How can use the plugin?
]]>I’ve seen there is the shortcode <!–nextpage–> to split a post, but all that creates is the numeric split posts listed at the bottom of my page. <1, 2, 3,..>
I have seen before (and now can’t find) a plugin that splits the posts AND creates a contents list on each split post’s page for easy navigation.
Can anyone help me find this or explain how to do it please.
]]>I hope someone can point me in the right direction, but basically I decided to have a go at creating my own theme using a blank wp theme, and learn along the way.. but there is something I really need and want to do.
It’s a two column theme, and I want the latest post from any category to show up on the left, main front page (just one post, full post)
and the previous posts to that, to show up with excerpts etc in the sidebar..
Does anyone know of a plugin that can do this, or point me in the right direction with the code.
I would be truly grateful
Many Thanks
]]>I have some posts that are split into a couple of pages, and while using this theme it cuts it off after the first set page. Where can I add the “Template Tags/wp link pages” code, found at WP Codex, so that it would display paged posts properly and fully? I need to split them because they are pretty long, and I split them fine on my PC browser theme as its set for this, how can I fix this little snag on the mobie theme?
]]>I want to split up each post with a line (doted)
How and where do I do that?
It’s in the css file right?
]]>How do i get the result I’m looking for?
If there’s a way to limit posts to X lines or words automatically, and then show the rest with a “more” link, thats even better, although using the more tag manually is also fine…
Thanks in advance.
]]>I did some hunting around and discovered that there was a fix for this here:
under the heading, How do I get the Quicktag <!–nextpage–> back?
Problem is, that fix is for 2.0.x, and things seem to have changed since then. The first part seems to be spot on: ie, uncomment this code in wp-admin/quicktags.js :
edButtons[edButtons.length] =
new edButton(‘ed_next’
but the next part describing what to change in
doesn’t make any sense because the file has changed. I went through the steps up to this point, but all that ended up happening was that all my buttons dissapeared. Curiously, when I preview my post, it shows the split working fine. I thought it might be a space issue (why would wordpress want to disable nextpage in the first place?) so I tried to comment out a few other buttons to give it room, but no joy.
So I’m stuck. And I want <!–nextpage–>. Any help would be appreciated.