xx.xxx.xx.xx my.site - [13/Dec/2020:01:22:17 +0000] "POST /wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1607822536.6514480113983154296875 HTTP/1.1" 499 0 "https://my.site/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1607822536.6514480113983154296875" "WordPress/5.6; https://my.site" | TLSv1.3 | - 0.960 0.960 - W NC:040000 UP:0
xx.xxx.xx.xx my.site - [13/Dec/2020:01:22:17 +0000] "PURGE / HTTP/1.0" 200 164 "-" "-" | - | - - 0.000 - W NC:000000 UP:0
xx.xxx.xx.xx my.site - [13/Dec/2020:01:22:18 +0000] "PURGE / HTTP/1.0" 200 164 "-" "-" | - | - - 0.000 - W NC:000000 UP:0
There is nothing showing for that time in my scheduled access logs. How would I find out what plugin would be causing this?
]]>How can I tackle the problem?
Thanks for the attention
]]>I got problem when I access Admin Page of my WordPress site. I used VM in Google Cloud Platform with 4 CPU and 8GB RAM. I got 300/hit visitor (Google Analytic) and CPU was fine, until I access WP-Admin. Suddenly CPU Usage become 100% for 1-2 minutes, every 1 click in WP-Admin, CPU will full for 1-2 minutes. When I publish post, It I got “Connection Lost” until my CPU come back normal. I have seperated VM for Web and DB but in same region so latency would be a problem. Can you guys help me?
My theme : Avada Theme
My plugins :
– All In One Schema.org Rich Snippets
– Accelerated Mobile Pages
– Anti-spam Pro
– App Banners
– Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress
– Featured Image In Rss Feed
– FormCraft
– FormCraft Multi Page Forms Add-On
– Fusion Builder
– Fusion Core
– Heartbeat Control
– Instant Articles for WP
– Limit Login Attempts
– Ninja Popups
– Nofollow for external link
– PixelYourSite PRO
– SendGrid
– SSL Insecure Content Fixer
– TinyMCE Advanced
– TotalPoll
– WP Rocket
– WP User Avatar
– WP Viral Quiz
– Yoast SEO Premium
My Post : 4038
]]>We have Newsletter installed (among other plugins) on a client’s site with a VPS server that has huge traffic. The plugin was updated on December 4th. Out of a sudden server cpu started to spike on a huge scale on December 9th. Normally cpu load is about 1.5 to 3.0, and now it was going berserk at 200 to 350! We started disabling plugins until we disabled Newsletter plugin and everything seemed to go down to normal.
We then went to the database to see if there was a crashed table or something in mysql causing the spike, but everything seemed normal. Only newsletter_stats table had an overhead of 64kb, which we optimized; so nothing there.
The people that own the website sent a newsletter every two to three days to about 7000 double opt-in users and we’re sure they’re going to growl because now they can’t sent it. Is there anything you can help us with so we can find out the cause of this cpu spike, that seems to be caused by the plugin?
]]>As we are a small podcast 12-25 downloads is an average day, 70+ is a good day.
This morning I was diligently watching my stats, currently sat at 0, and suddenly in the space of a minute a spike of 45. Investigating further, this was equally spread across our fifteen episodes at exactly 3 downloads each. This is too distributed to be user behaviour and was wondering if there were any known bots/scraping/testing done by search engines/servers etc?
Best regards,
Andy @ The Movie Ladder
]]>It seems I randomly disconnect while on the WordPress Add Post page, which causes me to check server load which spikes from 0.4 -> 5 for seemingly no reason.
After inspecting cron jobs and removing what I thought might be the culprit I’m left with almost no other hourly cron jobs than these that apply to W3:
w3_pgcache_prime 900 (15 minutes) [W3TC] Page Cache prime (every 900 seconds)
w3_pgcache_cleanup 3600 (1 hour) [W3TC] Page Cache file GC (every 3600 seconds)
w3_dbcache_cleanup 3600 (1 hour) [W3TC] Database Cache file GC (every 3600 seconds)
Is it possible that these cron jobs are causing a CPU spike on my VPS? If so, what are the most common reasons and how can I fix it. Something is definitely triggering the spike I use a Cloudflare pro account and have very little traffic on my website when this occurs.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Generally speaking, the crashes happen at xx:15 -> xx:17 could it be the fact that all three of these processes are firing simultaneously?
]]>On the day I update, my site experiences a significant spike in traffic which causes the site to slow down and/or crash for me and my customers.
I heard there is a plugin to remedy this.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
]]>What is the best method to prevent this? Should I untick “Clear cache on new posts” or even disable the cache while making a post, then manually re-enable it and clear it afterwards?
My shared hosting provider will not be happy with exceeding these limits.
]]>Any feedback would be most appreciated!