I’m having a problem with Specific Content plugin when using Autoptimize (AO).
It works perfect on all pages except for the home page with AO enabled.
I am having to disable AO when processing the home page or the mobile version of the page will not show – it just shows the standard home page.
AO is being used with CriticalCSS service to strip out all unused CSS and the homepage is one of the worst offenders using Divi – 99% of theme CSS not being used and it really improves mobile download speeds stripping this stuff away. But it would appear to be stripping your stuff away too.
Is there any script or css or otherwise that is used by Specific Content plugin to make it correctly load the mobile version of the page which I can try and exclude from AO/CriticalCSS so that your plug in still works?
]]>I am trying to add permission to the contributor that he can only see/edit/create his own quizzes.
I used the Role Manager plugin but there are no any options for WP PRO QUIZ to make role basis capabilities.
Can anyone help me to fix it?
]]>First off, thanks for the great plugin! Loved it.
I’m trying to achieve the following requirements:
I’m planning to approach this problem using the following solution:
I’ll like to understand if this is possible – if so, where can I begin? Specifically, are there any filter/action hooks that allow me to target specific tags based on ids, etc? In addition, are there any tutorials that might be able to get me started?
Apologies that I do not currently have a working copy of the code – I’m still trying to wrap my mind around how the WordPress hooks system works, and how to best go about this problem.
Appreciate your help! Let me know if you’ll like me to be more specific.
]]>When I select to have age verification on the complete site is does work but that’s not necessary for my customers.
Is this because of the WordPress/Plugin version or is this a bug?
]]>I’m setting up 3 language sites with different content through multi-site. Basically I need to be able to select a language and it should take me (or the user) to a specific sub-site or sub-domain (not sure what to call it).
Dunno if my wording is correct but just to illustrate what I mean:
WP multi-site
choose your language
/ | \
/ | \
Afrikaans English German
sub-site A sub-site B sub-site C
content A Content B Content C
and of course someone from English should be able to link to Afrikaans vica versa etc.
Great Plug-in by the way. I had a LOT less hassle with this than many of the others!