We have been sending our monthly newsletter with MailPoet for just under one year.
Recently, our emails have been landing in spam for most of our list.
When I used the mail-tester.com tool, I get the following errors which are significantly downgrading our emails:
We are Premium, as our list is under 1000 subscribers, and we send using MailPoet Sending Service.
Is this something I can change on my end? Or a problem with the plugin?
]]>-0.249 HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS From and EnvelopeFrom 2nd level mail domains are different
-0.001 HTML_MESSAGE HTML included in message
Geen zorgen, dat is verwacht als je HTML-e-mails verstuurt
-0.635 HTML_MIME_NO_HTML_TAG HTML-only message, but there is no HTML tag
Je bericht zou een <html> tag moeten bevatten
-1.105 MIME_HTML_ONLY Message only has text/html MIME parts
Je zou ook een tekst versie moeten opnemen van je bericht (text/plain)
0.001 SPF_PASS SPF: sender matches SPF record
Geweldig! Je SPF is geldig
-1.4 TO_NO_BRKTS_HTML_ONLY To: lacks brackets and HTML only
As a result, these e-mails get -3.4 points. That’s bad…
]]>Posting this to make the developer aware and to hopefully help others.
I admin multiple sites with premium Mailpoet installed and had noticed that Hotmail and Yahoo were bouncing my mail
Through trial and error using mail-tester I noticed that if you use the built in social icons in an email [rather than using your own custom icons/images] then your SpamAssassin score is reduced by 1.6 points showing error:
URI_WP_HACKED_2 URI for compromised WordPress site, possible malware
So the resulting URI’s flag as malware spam
Workaround is to use custom images for social network links until the plugin author can take a look…
]]>Spamassassin’s recent rule URI_WP_HACKED_2 takes away 1.92 points from an e-mail’s total score if said e-mail contains links to locations inside:
Is there a way to change the AloEasyMail Pixel Location to another place using custom hooks? How, eventually?
]]>Before installing this plugin, the SpamAssassin tests were:
After installing this plugin, and doing nothing else, the tests were:
Brilliant! Thank you!
]]>Essentially I would like to request a couple of features be added to the plugin in efforts to help with the SpamAssassin scores coming from the emails generated by the plugin.
Firstly, the ability to mask the link to the download file in the emails. The email is failing a SpamAssassin test called ‘URI_WP_HACKED’, which is caused by a URI in the email body linking to the ‘wp-content’ directory. This is a major hit for the score according to mail-tester.com.
Secondly, the ability to send both HTML and plain text emails. This will resolve the ‘MIME_HTML_ONLY’ test fail which carries a significant negative score as well.
Thanks for your consideration.
]]>In order to resolve these, the following would need to happen:
Any advice would be well appreciated!
]]>In an effort to validate the chances a newsletter has to be characterized as ‘spam’, I sent an email to the Newsletters spam test by mail-tester.com.
There, I see an entry with a huge penalty:
The links to the relevant spamassassin pages do not provide any information.
Googling it a bit, seems like it is referring to a small font size. However, the smaller font size I have set is 14px. This is not a size one would call ‘tiny’.
Is this a bug or a false positive?
Removing the ones that don’t really add any points the explanations for the rules are:
Freemail in Reply-To, but not From
HTML-only message, but there is no HTML tag
The Content-type indicates an HTML message, but the content doesn’t include an <html> tag.
Message only has text/html MIME parts
Indicates the message lacks the plain text alternative part.
To: misformatted and HTML only
XPRIO: 1.568
Has X-Priority header
Fixes for this:
– The forged reply-to is not much to do anything about. If it’s a problem for then one can just remove the reply-to from additional headers as that is already optional. But as this does give a bunch of points it’s even more important to fix other issues.
– X-Priority header should be optional (and preferably not enabled by default) imho
– HTML mail should always have a <html> tag
– When sending HTML mail there should always be a plaintext alternative included
– The from-address should always be encased in brackets.